[Suggestion] Mouse Location for Vault Buttons

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Jam_11, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. I really like being able to scroll through my vault with the previous-page and next-page buttons. This is a welcomed addition. I use it a lot. Thanks for adding it. ;)

    After using it extensively, I have noticed that after clicking a next or previous button that the mouse pointer moves off the button and resets to a center location. My suggestion is a slight improvement to make this feature a bit more useful: Could you leave the mouse pointer at the same x-y screen position after presenting the vault page content?

    Example: Once you click previous-page/next-page, after rendering the next vault page’s content, the mouse pointer would *stay* on the next-page button allowing one to scroll through quickly.
  2. This is just a "visual glitch". Althou the pointer is in the middle you can still click the button you were in
    jhtk01 likes this.
  3. I mentioned this as well. I think there might be a functionality limit there, but i'll ping chickeneer again.
    DrMadFate, jhtk01 and Kytula like this.
  4. Can confirm that this does not work.
    DrMadFate and jhtk01 like this.
  5. I can confirm that this does work(at least for me)
    Gawadrolt, jhtk01, UltiPig and 3 others like this.
  6. I even tried to go super fast and can't reproduce that. Weird...
    DrMadFate, Gawadrolt and jhtk01 like this.
  7. I am on a macbook and have the follwing mods

    • Arrow Cam
    • Better Fps
    • ingameinfo
    • inventory tweaks
    • lunatrius core
    • macro
    • voxelmap
    • litemod
    • optifine
    • schematica
    • health indicator
    • update check
    • Maybe one of these factors is the cause. Well at least i have this feature already :) (althou half of EMC doesnt =/)
    jhtk01 and 607 like this.
  8. I think that never worked. and it's very annoying to use the back / next button now. because you need to keep scrool your mouse back to the buttons.

    It's faster to tyupe once /vault 1
    and next type call that row back and change the chest number.

    ADD: I just checked it. it's always jumping up and to the center.
    clicking there is not doing anything.

    jhtk01 likes this.
  9. I noticed this too, but I figured it was unpreventable. I can't say for sure, though.
    Oh, and Tuqueque's trick doesn't work for me either.
    jhtk01 and Kytula like this.
  10. +1

    I can't help think that this will be hard, the behavior looks by design to me, but that's a rough guess on my part of course. Thing is: the vault controls look very similar to the chest interface which we have for residence permission (/res set, and/or /res pset <player>). If you use /res set you'll notice it has several pages, and the right/left buttons even look the same as the vault controls. If you click those then the mouse remains where it is.

    So looking at that might make you conclude that this would be possible.

    However... If you hit 't', then move your mouse somewhere towards a corner, and then use /res set you'll notice that it moved to the exact same spot: the middle square. Another thing to keep in mind is that the vault controls "cheat" a little bit by using another chest grid which is used for the controls. And that part seems to be the trigger which moves the mouse to that specific field, the same behavior as if you typed the command.

    So I have my doubts if this is possible, but if it is I'm all in favor for it :)
    607, jhtk01 and Tuqueque like this.
  11. We run unmodded MC clients. One's on an iMac while the other is on a Windows machine. The Minecraft client on the iMac exhibits the behavior as Tuqueque showed, while my minecraft Windows client acts as Krysyy and others have stated. If I try clicking through on the PC, i end up grabbing whatever is in the vault slot under the pointer.
    607, Tuqueque, UltiPig and 1 other person like this.
  12. This is not currently possible with the Bukkit API. Whether it would be possible with some modifications of internal server modifications, is unknown but highly unlikely. Each vault page opens up a brand new inventory. I was able to work around this with the flag interface by applying the changes over the new inventory, but this is not safe to do with vault pages. So, in conclusion: to my knowledge this suggestion is not possible to implement, but there is always the possibility that a hack could bypass this limitation. But it would have a low priority.
    607, jhtk01, Kytula and 1 other person like this.
  13. I'll open up my Mac virtual machine and test it...
    jhtk01 likes this.
  14. Lol, Apple FTW
    jhtk01 likes this.
  15. > Apple FTW

    "I'll open up my Mac virtual machine and test it..."
    Never shall I have a mac...

    On the other hand, I couldn't reproduce it.
    Gawadrolt and jhtk01 like this.
  16. Chickeneer - Thank you for that explanation, and more importantly, the feature that you implemented. It's quite marvelous and the user base loves it. Maybe in time with new Bukkit releases, a change or addition there may lead to the possibility of extending the feature here.

    Everyone - Also, I want to thank you all for reading and commenting. I really appreciate that. :)
    Tuqueque, khixan and 607 like this.
  17. Assign Left / right arrow key to the previous / next buttons when vault is open ?
    is that going to work ?
    Would be much better then mouse clicking.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  18. No, that isn't possible.