[Suggestion] More Specific "Permission Set!" Confirmation

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by TheDarkAngel7, Dec 21, 2017.

  1. Hey EMCers!

    Any of us that have changed residence permission flags have all got that nice littl' confirmation from the server saying (For Setting Move to True) "Flag move set to TRUE".

    When we get multiple residences and we get more advanced into residence permissions, a nice thing to have would be that message to get more specific. Yes the move flag just got set to true, but where did I just set it to true?

    My Suggestion:

    Make the message more specific, especially since we now have subzones out it would be nice to have the server "reiterate" what we just did. Angels like me want to be sure we did it right. There was one time when I wanted to set admin to true for TheLightAngel on my entire residence instead of the subzone I was standing in. :p I would've caught that mistake sooner if the server told me what I just did.

    For instance (For Setting Move to True on my main residence)
    "Flag move set to TRUE on 10225" or "Flag move set to TRUE on TheDarkAngel7"

    Another instance (For Setting Move to True on my main residence for subzone "house")
    "Flag move set to TRUE on 10225.house" or "Flag move set to TRUE on TheDarkAngel7.house"

    What the server told me in my mistake mentioned before:
    "Flag admin set to TRUE for TheLightAngel".

    What message would've caught my attention that I made a mistake:
    "Flag admin set to TRUE for TheLightAngel on 10225.storage".
    My reaction then: "Woops! Wrong residence area..."

    That's the general idea of what I'm going for but some of us use residence numbers to set our permissions and some of us use our residence names, so another suggestion is to make this message customizable by choosing in between your residence number, your name, or keep the older version of the message.

    What do you guys think? I know a lot of us use the chest interface but old timers like me still use commands. :D
  2. +1

    As someone who's done an insane lot with both permission flags and subzones I can definitely see some good advantages here. Sounds like a good idea.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. Do I have any other comments on this idea?
  4. You haven't had this one jet:

    +1 :)
  5. I think we only need to do this if you set it on a subzone, and then yes simply print the subzone
  6. I'm also talking about those of us who have multiple residences, maybe print the residence name if you set it for a different residence than the one you're standing on.