[Suggestion] May the 4th (Promo)

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by fadedmartian, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. There should be a promo of some sort (perhaps a sword or something) for May the 4th... related to star wars :D
  2. surely you meant a force field type of armor :eek:
  3. Lightsaber sword sweet.

    Force Armor cool.

    What about Millennium Falcon (Birch) Boat with final so the name can't be changed.
  4. Lord Vader Helmet with better protection and aqua breathing.

    Lord Vader Elytra with extra durability and made with Netherite for cool looks

    Lord Vader Boots jet black just for looks.
  5. soul bound black boots that *shimmer* (like bunny boots/banners)-- no enchants. just jet black

    I would also go for wearable Vador Coal (witch's gem styled)
  6. A metal door with Star Wars blast door sound effect. Adding to the door promos with sound effects.
  7. What an interesting idea! I'm down for it! :D
    FadedMartian and We3_MPO like this.
  8. +1 in jungle green. May the fourth be with us!
  9. I would love to see a "light saber" as a promo. Nothing too drastic on the enchants except the unbreakable one and soul bound.
    We3_MPO and FadedMartian like this.