[SUGGESTION] In-Game Calculator

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by shavingfoam, May 17, 2015.

  1. Uhm...
    Aikar, did you forget that //calc isn't blocked? Did you plan it that way, or did I find something that you missed? :)
  2. Like Stew said, most calculations are trivial for a computer to do. But you'd probably want to add safeguards, just in case someone tries to abuse it, like setting a max length for the formula.
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  3. If this is added.. it has to be..
  4. Why won't that just die?
  5. Being a maths student, I just so happen to have a calculator almost permanently on my desk... nice idea but I doubt I would use it, as it would be just as easy to use an actual calculator.

    But for other users +1! :)
  6. You mean raKia the inappropriate robot?
  7. I'm pretty sure //calc is one of the bits of WE that can't be permission locked, and is definitely a good idea actually. :p
    607 likes this.
  8. True, but is there a 1.8 version of that, then? I asked about it, but minecraftforums deleted my comment and warned me for update spam...
  9. Yes. You need the very well hidden prerelease.

    607 likes this.
  10. +1 from me, I should honestly keep a calculator closer to me :p
  11. No need to +1 this anymore guys, it's already ingame and has been since forever lol. //calc
    shavingfoam, PenguinDJ and 607 like this.
  12. My bad, thank you!
    607 and JackBiggin like this.
  13. //calc works perfectly! Thanks Jack! :D
    607 likes this.