(Suggestion) For god sake, can we stop with changing the spawn rates.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Mrlegitislegit, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. I wish i had this problem. I have a 36 spawn pad darkroom drop grinder, and my rates are absolutely terrible. How about a smaller spawn rate, but the mobs actually move.
  2. With the exception of today, you haven't been killed by a mob in 18 days. In the last month, only 3 deaths have been from a mob in the wild. It doesn't seem to me as though you're having a very rough time of things. I don't think we can make it any easier for you.
    607, ZBSDKryten, Spenser6 and 6 others like this.
  3. I didn't say I was killed, I'm saying that the amount of mobs is very high.
    Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. Oh >.< Sorry for the misunderstanding :p

    I think it's a bit harder when you have to run away from 5 spiders... Just saying... Those things are damned fast. And the wither skeletons are supposed to be near-crouched player speed, not be like, "WHOOOPWHOOPWHOOOPWHOOP POWPOWPOW" and eat your hearts like they're a tasty bag of chips. But in all honesty, spawn rates are way too boosted.
  5. Well by got armor i mean protection IV armor (diamond), this should sustain about 50 mobs at a time lol.
    Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. To me, that's god armor... I have no idea how you'd make it more god. Durability and Thorns have no relation to your health bar, and Prot. IV is the highest defense you can have against all-around mobs. Plus, a suit of it is around maybe 2-4k, in other words, about 20-40 day's logging in of a non-supporter's account. That doesn't sound so worth it to me, lol, if I were a non-supporter, and it still doesn't to me now. That's pretty dang expensive if you've ever had to balance a weak budget, around 30k. And I know a lot of non-supporters have an average of about, well, not within that price range, lol.
    Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. I have somewhat of the same problem, I have a mobfarm. With the entire surface half slabbed off. And the farm is at the world height, I have determined with the place to stand to get optimum rates yet there is only 8 mobs in my trap. The funny part is /ent count brings up about 7 hostile hostile mobs. Yet the only blocks for the mobs to spawn on are inside my trap. I dont understand. I have it on my SSP and it works fine.
  8. Chill man. Don't be mean.......
    (Edit) I saw that as a bit mean is all.....
    Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. If it makes you feel any better, I have the same problem.
  10. I've played 1.5 for a bit, and the power increase for skeletons is devastating (unless you have a bow). I usually stay in the water or well-lit areas in the wild, so I can't say the spawn tweaking has affected me, but I know that once skeletons change, it will be much, much more difficult.
  11. This is the first ive heard complaints about spawning since a while now...

    How am I suppose to know it needs adjusting if you don't tell me? It doesn't help to make angry tone posts about it.

    I haven't even touched spawning in ages...

    I'll adjust the density settings to thin it out more.
  12. *sigh* I like it just as it is.

    But the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  13. Well.... I've been working on the normal mode code the past few days...

    let's just say you won't like it how it is when i'm done ;)
    jrm531, Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. I just have a problem with some of the rates, /entcount at my trap brings up 7 hostile mobs. /entcount on the surface brings up almost 100 with most caves lit. I have started to fill them in, i feel that and half slabbing are the only solutions or totally excavating a 170 x 170 area
    Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  15. I spend much more time in the Wild and Nether than I do in Town. If you are prepared, mobs are an annoyance at most.

    As long as we're airing grievances, I have some:
    Entities still won't float unless they are eight or fewer blocks away. This breaks mob drop collection using water and any type of water harvest farm, like a wheat farm where the wheat and seeds are pushed to a collection point.

    Normal mobs can "see" you when you are two chunks away and will head towards you making an easy target of themselves. Ghasts can see you from much farther away and aren't an easy target, especially when you are hopping around trying to avoid lava, burning netherrack, pigmen getting in the way, fireballs, blazes, wither skeletons, and skeletons. It makes it impossible to do anything without interruption sometimes.

    I understand they would be kind of lame if their range was 32 blocks, but the way they are now can be really annoying especially when they are at or near the limit of my visual range. Possibly there's some middle ground that would make them seem more like normal mobs.

    The last is more of a request. It would be nice to have a stickied page where information is kept and updated regarding things about EMC that are non-vanilla. Particularly things that are relevant to those of us who are making farms or redstone machines. Current mob limits, spawning radius, the distance entities will flow in water or the range you need to be within to activate furnaces or sheep. I'm sure there is more that could be included.

    Even as someone who is active on the forums I have a hard time keeping it all straight at times and not all of it is documented, likely intentionally. It often seems that once I think I have things worked out, the rug gets yanked out from under me by some change, I find I've overlooked something, or there was some secret update to break something that was being abused like sand generators that breaks something else that is legitimate. It must be frustrating for anyone that doesn't realize that things aren't all vanilla here.
  16. I have thought about the same thing. Making my first witch farm was a pain. I read up on the vanilla code and saw the spawning radius. I started up with half slabbing only to realize when i was finished that EMC had changed it to 5 chunks away. I would like a place to find out all the facts on these sort of thing like you were requesting. It would make things much easier.
    Pab10S, Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. I didn't report my overabundant spawning issue, because when I went to your page, I read:
    So I figured have 10 spiders/skeletons seemingly spawn on top of me (It seemed like I saw teleport particles), a mere 200 meters from the closest outpost as not that big of a problem.. I mean I only lost a few items and I was only wood hunting at the time.. :/
  18. I never thought mob spawns were that much of a problem, I have 200x200-ish island which is completely lit up that I spend most of my time on, but yesterday I ran about 500 blocks to find a cave in the middle of the night. Even though there were tons of mobs, I was able to defend myself fairly easily with only a knockback II Diamond sword and a bow. Point is, Even though there are tons of mobs, its not that difficult to survive with them.
    Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  19. I asked for this a while back, and I think from Aikars reply to my request, it's something that'll happen eventually.

    I've not played the Wild properly for a few weeks now, but I know there was a point where mobs were spawning around me regardless of the light level being too high. Don't know if that still stands.

    I think..... the big thing to take away from this is that MC used to be a scary place at night.

    Looks like it's going to be again.

    Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  20. I'm quite sure I've seen it come up a few times. Once I saw we had his attention here, I thought I would bring it up again.
    Laurencem17 and Equinox_Boss like this.