[Suggestion] Cross plot building, in the sky

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by SamuraiJack, Feb 14, 2015.


Does this sound like a good idea?

Yes! 10 vote(s) 58.8%
Nope! 3 vote(s) 17.6%
Unsure? 4 vote(s) 23.5%
  1. When you start playing, especially like me, where EMC was my first MC experience ever (I never did play SP nor on another server before joining EMC), there is so much to learn ahead that even if there would be a complete EMC encyclopedia, the most of people, including myself, wouldn't first take few weeks of study before starting to explore, gather resources and build.

    It is (same as IRL) normal to take chances, to have to make decisions without having the complete information and insight - and to have all the consequences.

    If I would start playing on EMC today, I would take a much, much different path.
    Is that "unfair", that I was lacking (or even ignoring) all the knowledge (I could possibly gather) when I started, and that other people got it better just by chance? Is it "unfair" that some of the needed information wasn't written down anywhere? I don't think so.

    The expectation, that someone should give you the needed information when you need it, that someone should take care that the universe turns out "fair" for you is just ... how to say ... amiss.

    The cost to move the res is not not too high, and one first move per player could be free. Perhaps also one first free biome change per player.

    IMO the best would be if the building over and under the roads would be free for everyone with permissions on both sides.
    ShelLuser and WCG_Elite like this.
  2. You guys are making valid arguments- but please stick to the topic.

    The op suggestions are:

    1) May building over double roads be allowed, much as the 4 block wide roads can.
    2) May the build height over the road be lowered to around 30 blocks instead of 120.

    I personally don't see any problem with either of these suggestions, to be honest
    But one issue I still see, is the sidewalk square between 4 residences - how to handle this.
    Pab10S likes this.
  3. For any spot with a double road there is an odd number of blocks between the plots, if you just allow 6 blocks extra in ever direction you're good. Have the 7th block only be build-able in the event that you have build perms on both sides. this would extend into the fountain area, which would work fine.

    Easy way to do this would be to create 4 types of plots, one is a residence, normal things happen here. The next is the extended plot, this is only build-able on above 128 blocks high and is 6 blocks in the direction of a double road and 2 blocks in the direction of a single road. The third type would be a combo plot, only build-able on above 128 and if you have perms on both sides to build. The combo plot would only be one block wide and go through the center of double roads. For the fountains center block you can have a special plot where you can only build if you have perms on all 4 plots adjacent to that block.

    This wouldn't even be very hard to do. It would be fairly simple to add/implement on the code. It would just be a tad time consuming to implement on the server side. But all you would have to do is split double roads up into 3 sub-plots (4 if you count the single block sky to bedrock plot in the center of fountains) and the single roads into 2 sub-plots.