Lol this shouldn't be real. It's Aikar ruining the economy! If rupees were taken away and a trading system would be in place.... Diamonds could be worthless. This is so a April's Fools Joke!
Diamonds would still be worth the same amount as before unless aikar does some thing like 2dirt-1 daimon
Everyone calm down, I'm an economist and this is a sensible idea. It is common knowledge that barter in the way described by ICC is more efficient than use of currency for an economy, due to the double coincidence of wants which enhances economic growth.
You know.. I ALMOST fell for this.. But then I realized it was April Fools and you guys would never do that....right? I try sarcasm but it never works loll
Cool! I hope this gets implemented... I also heard that EMC will be an exclusive server for iPlay! It's a new system from Apple! I don't know about you guys but I can't wait to get this system!