Solve the puzzle for a massive drop party...

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by jkrmnj, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. 2014 poppy.
    Dufne likes this.
  2. I figure it's a Valentine's Gift, which is commonly referred to as the "Valentine's Rose." If it were a poppy, I think he would have said poppy. :p

    Edit: He said 2013 as well. There is no 2013 Remembrance Poppy. :p
  3. Yup. If it's 2013, it's a Valentine's Rose.

    Generation 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
    ^^I have a problem with this. "your sig on any forum"--but your sig appears on every forum. So I guess I'll just pretend that this is part of my signature. For this post only =P
  4. What? I got lost after the code I found, how did people find this
  5. He'll explain how each puzzle was solved in the OP later. If you want to know how I got the final answer from the string of numbers and letters, I can explain. :p
  6. Just posted an explanation in the Op.
  7. I sent you a PM; please read >.>
    jkrmnj likes this.
  8. YAY!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Added a date and time to the op :)
  10. What time zone?
    Dufne likes this.
  11. EMC time zone (so East coast)
  12. Make it a different time please? How about 2:45...
  13. Anyone else want it to change? I can do that time.
  14. That time works as well.
  15. I'm fine with that.
  16. Well some people in New York *Like me* have school on this day, somehow :p
  17. You have school two days before Christmas? What in the world...
    Seanawesome14 likes this.
  18. I get off of school on the 23rd, so I have no school for the 24th and 25th plus a week after that, but I have school on 23rd. sucks I know, I prefer florida than New York over school breaks ._.
    Codygraw and Seanawesome14 like this.
  19. So you have break from the 24th to the 1st?
    That ain't right.
    Dufne, JerryCameToo and Codygraw like this.
  20. Yeah...