
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheFryedmans, Jun 7, 2018.


Is Smp8 cursed

Poll closed Jun 10, 2018.
Yea 17 vote(s) 70.8%
No 5 vote(s) 20.8%
I hope not 2 vote(s) 8.3%
  1. Tell them kids to stay away from that cursed place, no good luck be coming from it. I tell ye, the people, they ain't normal, no, they something else, something unfathomable. Who knows? Maybe if ye spend 'nough time ye take a liking to the place. Just remember, I warned ye.
    no_thing and khixan like this.
  2. At smp8, we enjoy a sense of the absurd.
    Sometimes we go quiet. Sometimes, you wonder "what the heck did I just walk into?". You never know which you'll get.

    Some examples of local customs:
    • Give a raw fish (not salmon) to your buddy that is renamed "You are my wife now." There are only wives.
    • To divorce, simply cook the fish.
    • Feel free to marry your favorite cake, block, or other item.
    • Sacrifice valuables or esteemed community members at BK's temple. Burn baby burn.
    • Kindly milk your villagers. (Other places refer to this as villager trading.)
    • Stylish Momo and Marlix hunters bring their iron golem on a leash to a hunt. Kat's "Jared Leto" has killed several of us.
    • PWU and PTU. Need stuff/XP? We've probably got a place to get it that's open to the public.
    • Dying may result in your corpse being shoved into a pink shulker of shame. It's ok. We've almost all been in that box at some point. If your gear is not renamed, it may gain some names. "Error404BrainNotFound" is my signature on a helmet. Now you know who to blame if you have one of those :D
    • Come to the dark side. We have the bacons. (bacon = beacon on smp8)
    • Ulti's Ham Mafia = Pigmen.
    • I Scream If You Eat Me, and I Hunger For Orphan Flesh means you've been haunted by Corrupted. Feel special :)
    For more smp8 absurdity, please see Kephras' thread SMP8 You Worry Me.

    Also, your poll lacks the response "42". ;) Bye and thanks for all the fish!
    Ritunn, 607, kamirosee and 5 others like this.
  3. XD I only go to 8 if I really need something
  4. Remember, I am a minister.
    If you receive a fish, come see me and we’ll head to the cathedral.

    I am also the Jarl of Smp8

    Blessings upon Seffychan for starting the marriage tradition.

    Also, if you get intimate with a cactus... come and see me.
    bravebob, kamirosee, BrenJone and 2 others like this.