SMP8, you worry me.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kephras, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. What did I do by posting that image?
  2. start the war of the vacuums
    607, khixan, Tuqueque and 1 other person like this.
  3. Best way of spelling vacuum gets a free promo.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. Vaehckyüüm
    khixan and Tuqueque like this.
  5. Vacuum
    khixan likes this.
  6. Nuclear! How about "vekkodiddlyoom"
    Tuqueque likes this.
  7. _Devuu__, Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  8. Some people came on and stuff happened...

    Then this:

  9. I hope that you too, join me with the great dreamer Cthlhu and become evil tentacle monsters.

  10. Lmao, I'm so glad my planned "marriage" (aka holding me against my will) isn't on here xD
  11. Sorry, but I'm not attracted to Japanese school-girls (a requisite for being an evil tentacle monster).
    Also, Marie and I have discussed this, and she's just not down for that. Tentacle-tiger is a no-go.
    607, khixan, FadedMartian and 3 others like this.
  12. I want a tentacle-tiger now.
    khixan and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  13. You've dissapointed Cthlhu.
    khixan, Kephras and FadedMartian like this.
  14. I'm not Japanese, but Keph, why can't I have tentacle-tiger? :(
    NuclearBobomb and FadedMartian like this.
  15. Dont tempt me wifeeee..

    EDIT: Shoot not to mention the poor baby... i want the child support money like yesterday!
  16. No need to tempt you, when you already said you're in a SMP8 marriage.
  17. I've disappointed a lot of people over the years. He'll get over it.
    khixan and 607 like this.
  18. B-but, he's the great dreamer, you trying to give him nightmares about being bullied like he was in grade school? Evil eldritch monsters have feelings too.
    khixan and Kephras like this.
  19. Keph gets home from work
    Marie: "How was your day?"
    Keph: "Eh, was alright. Counted threads, listened to music, psychologically scarred an ancient god. Typical Friday. How're you?"

    Missed this:

    I'm pretty sure EMC rules prohibit me from answering that question honestly.
    khixan, NuclearBobomb, 607 and 5 others like this.