SMP8 Public Wild Utilities

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, Jun 16, 2015.


SMP8 wants ???

XP Grinders 145 vote(s) 46.0%
Iron Farm 63 vote(s) 20.0%
Gold Farm 52 vote(s) 16.5%
Guardian Farm 39 vote(s) 12.4%
Other (leave in comments) 16 vote(s) 5.1%
  1. And you couldn't have taken away all the money in my wallet any quicker. ;)
  2. Just edited my post.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  3. *rambles about promos in town chat* Caden tp's in ;)
    Tuqueque, CadenMann and kaptrix like this.
  4. Just in case you were upset about me asking about the villager, just know that I know it's no big deal. I was just wondering why you did it in case there was something about villager mechanics I didn't know.

    I love Pigmentus and what everyone, including you, have done to make it successful :D
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  5. T DubChef: i can't seem to find my Marlix helmet :(
    T georgeashington: i've never heard of disappearing marlix gear lol. must be a promo glitc--
    cadenman2002 has joined, last seen 50 minutes, 30 seconds ago.
    Tuqueque, DubChef, kaptrix and 2 others like this.
  6. A_Ben_A (formerly Ben3400) has offered to do some more rail improvements! He's going to be replacing the blocks under the rail itself with stone bricks starting 8/26. Thank you Ben!
    Tuqueque, Kytula and BenMA like this.
  7. 20 minutes later Caden buys a promo off me... ;)
    Tuqueque, khixan and CadenMann like this.
  8. Shh! ;)
    Tuqueque, khixan and DubChef like this.
  9. On the challenges of managing success -
    A few things have been brought to my attention that would only happen if these builds were a huge success and making people happy :) They are good challenges to be facing!

    Locked Chests and having more than one at a public farm location.
    "Jules, we're outta locked chests room at...." Well awesome! People like and are using the builds :) Then I see that some folks have gotten a tad excessive and taken up to 4 of the locked chests. Come on guys, you can be more thoughtful and kind than that. If you have a chest for yourself, and a chest shared between you and your friend/s, I can totally understand that. But do you really need more than one chest for just yourself? If you think "YES I really really do!" than I think you need to help make more locked chest space by donating some materials and your time to helping me create more locked chest rooms. I believe that to be reasonable and fair. Please contact me if you fall into this category. But really folks, one freebie chest for your use at each location should be enough :)

    Helping out the right way out at the public farms
    You saw we were low on chest space, or you noticed we were missing a ~insert utility/amenity here~. So you are super awesome and went ahead and did something about it! Erm... one detail. You did so in a vacuum and didn't tell anyone. Someone recently did this at Sushi Drop by adding chests behind the bed area (thank you, you did a nice job except there's no space to put the signs to lock the chests but other than that, well done!). We'd really prefer folks did NOT do this type of thing without talking to us first. We can show you areas that are already mined out and prepped for more room, or areas that don't, for example, have a cave spider spawner sitting in the middle of them. On the first page and first post of this thread, there is a list of builders who have worked at every single one of these builds and know those details. Half the time, they'll tell you to get a hold of me since I keep track of all builds, but if you have trouble getting a message to me, try one of them. I'm thrilled all these folks want to help us, but we need communication so we don't interfere with a farm's operation or mess up a plan that is in progress already. Thanks!

    The Case of the Missing Minecarts
    Prometha and Luigiluigi71 have been naming all the mine carts so we can easily track them. No one wants to spend all their iron making minecarts over and over again. Funny thing though - the named ones are vanishing and being replaced with regular mincarts by awesome mysterious benefactors. I honestly don't know if people are keeping the named ones as souvenirs and replacing with a regular cart, or some awesome person saw we were low on mincearts and went ahead and replaced them from their own storage. Either way, THANK YOU! Could someone tell me or Prometha what the heck is going on though please? We're pleased and mystified lol.

    Thank you all for reading the wall of text, and have a great day!
    ChumMiner, Kephras, ScrObot and 3 others like this.
  10. there is a broken red-stained clay block at Pigmentus and i don't have any to replace it, can someone bring one?
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  11. I have a DC of stone bricks I can donate plus I can help as time permits
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  12. I think Walrus is on the case Wayne, thank you!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  13. Walrus repaired the missing block at Pigmentus, thank you!

    We are down to only 7 chests left at Sushi Drop open for locking. Time to expand locked chest areas again.

    Slime Time rail and swamp farm had a very minor grief. Torches and few broken signs and blocks. Snowmen were also all dead (edited). I am repairing there. Unfortunately, I seem to have accidentally broken 1 piece of powered rail, and of course, I have everything out here for repairs but 1 piece of power rail lol. Gotta run back to town for it.
    Tuqueque and UltiPig like this.
  14. I will help make more storage rooms for pigmentus if you haven't already, I have a diamond pickaxe ready for usage, just supply the materials I need and I will get crackin with ya!
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  15. About the rails, since I do most of the work involving renaming them (thank you so much Luigi, by the way, for taking some of the pressure off me and tagging Pigmentus Carts)

    Those things take a lot of EXPERIENCE to name. One bar of experience? Not hard. 2? Not an issue.

    When you rename about 40 minecarts, you need to be actively taking time to get experience. Which is not something I mind doing, but I don't want to keep redoing it. That's time I have to spend gathering more experience that I could be using on other improvements.

    The Sushi and Pigmentus carts are labeled and given numbers for RECORDS purposes (so we can tell exactly how many carts there are --- and how many are getting taken) and to distinguish them from other carts in the hopes that they'll be found a little easier. THEY ARE NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN AS SOUVENIRS --- THEY ARE DEDICATED TO THEIR LOCATIONS.

    If you would like a fancy custom cart, it only takes 1 bar of your own experience points AND usage of an anvil [there are anvils at the public farms too guys!] to put whatever name you want on it. Plus, if it's your own personal minecart, you can keep it forever and it will be all yours and very special and no one will ever be able to take it away from you.

    Heck, I have a personal minecart of my own I like to use. It even has my name engraved on the side and sits in my personal chest when I am not using it.

    So yeah, keep the Sushi and Pigmentus carts where they belong. Return them at any chest along the railways. I'd much prefer to sort minecarts than have to worry about where they are and collect exp to make another one.

    EDIT #2, it's been hours among other improvements but I finally have a count of the major rails.

    Sushi Rail has 40 carts spread out among its line and services the mob grinders, Sushi Drop, and Pigmentus.

    Pigmentus has its own dedicated rail with 20 carts.

    Lastly, at Wild S there's a rail that services Slime Time as well as the Ice Farm and a mob farm. This "CF Slime Express", named for an iron mogul has 25 carts. That's 85 levels in total guys, so I want to see that they stay put.

    Rant isn't over after all, (EDIT), please note: donating minecarts is all good. Please feel free to donate minecarts at all times and they will graciously be accepted and used for grief-aid and future expansion.

    If the numbered minecarts continue to go missing though, I will start reporting. I've only complained until now on good faith that people were just absent-mindedly taking them. I didn't want to raise trouble: but we're getting to the point where it's becoming an issue and I'm going to have to start reporting soon. And I don't -want- to have to call staff over not having specific minecarts.

    Yes, it counts as stealing even if you leave an unnamed minecart, because you're also taking the experience used to tag that minecart.
  16. In addition to the new chests at the back storage room in the pit, there are a few open DC's in the skeleton grinder at Sushi Drop (across the pit). This storage are has now been marked off with its own sign.

    Also, whoever made the cobblestone chest room in the back of the bedroom at Sushi Drop, please contact someone on the main build team (Khixan, myself, or corrupted would be great). Let us know that you did it. You are not in trouble. We want to thank you, and we also want to adjust it to make it more functional without griefing your hard work.

    We are addressing the congestion problem at Sushi Drop, and some rules we plan on instating are pending mod approval. We have had an influx of new visitors to the public builds (a very good thing!), which warrants more space for public storage. We have also had an issue with some users claiming multiple chests for their personal use (not such a good thing), taking valuable space away from other players who could be using the chests.

    Although the original rule was 1 solo and 1 shared DC per person, per build, it has been revised to offer some exceptions for groups and build team members to hold maintenance chests without being penalized. The rules even include a potential way to "buy" more chests in a way that myself and others who work on the public builds consider fair.

    It is pending moderator approval.

    In the meantime, I ask everyone to please consider the amount of space they allocate per grinder. It takes a lot of wood, tools, and time to go out into the builds and hollow out a hole in a stone wall, slab it (for mob security), light it, fill it with chests, and make it look nice. There are also other EMCians who are new to those builds and need a place to out away their loot and supplies too! So let's spread the love.
  17. Prometha and Shyguy added onto the existing Sushi Drop pit floor locker room, thank you both!

    Additionally, Prometha and I have made an additional locker room off the Sushi Drop pit floor. Thank you Zikko for the 2 anvils and Caden for the ender chest!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  18. I didn't do anything to this but add a sign to make it easier to find, but there's additional chests by the skellie grinder. Just a reminder. Sushi Drop should now be well equipped to handle new claims.
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.

    Some of you have been hearing things about us enforcing rules on the locker rooms at public builds. Until now, nothing has gone live as OFFICIAL (there have been some tentative postings and edited posts).

    We now have the official news. Hold unto your hats.

    You all know (because I won't shut up about it) that we've been taking many measures to relieve the storage problem at Sushi Drop. This mainly involved building 2 new chest rooms, and re-supplying our building cache to ensure that we can provide as much space as possible on this very popular build!

    Now comes the part I'm not so happy about. We have also begun the process of enforcing rules throughout the public build involving storage, to make sure the storage units are not abuse and make the spaces as fair as possible for everyone. (Go ahead and boo me now, but please, hold your tomatoes).

    You will start seeing signs at every locker room on the public builds in prominent locations. These signs are a sum-up of the rules that we are going to be enforcing. I will be posting the rules here as well. Please note, the signs are not at every locker room just yet, but they -will- be within the next couple days.


    Rule 1: Everyone is allowed 1 free solo DC per location. You need to purchase extra solo DC's with supplies if spacing allows.

    Rule 2: You can add an additional DC for free by sharing with a group. (The lock will allow access to you the others in the group). You get 1 additional DC, per group, per location.

    Rule 3: (This pertains to build team members only): Build team members may claim additional DC's for maintenance purposes without getting peanalized. They must share the chest with other members of the maintenance group and designate it as a maintenance chest.


    Please note that these rules may change at any time (although you'd be getting notice), but for now, they are official.

    There is a small list of individuals who have been contacted about not being in compliance with these rules. Please know that this is nothing personal --- rather than evict people outright from their extra chests, we are trying to allow options for people to keep some of their extra chests in exchange for supplies.

    (Let me call out IAmShyGuyNow as a shining positive example. When we contacted him about having 2 solo chests at Sushi Drop, he was quick to offer payment of materials. He even helped one of the chest rooms, providing materials and man-labor! Thank you to everyone in the community for bearing with us during this time of transition and making the public builds as fun and efficient as possible).


    Also, real quick: because this has to not happen if it is happening.

    I have been hearing rebuttals of "well I got told this so...".

    Anything you read on the forums or on signs at the builds/redstone book reader pressure plate things in the case of Slime Time, is official. Word of mouth, though well-intended and I'm sure not meant to be harmful in anyway, is not necessarily official.

    So if you have QUESTIONS OR DOUBTS on anything, the best and most accurate answer that you can trust comes from the main build team. Seriously, if khixan is over-whelmed, shoot one of the main build-team people a PM or something.
    Tuqueque, ScrObot and khixan like this.
  20. I remember that build, Great memory's
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.