smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. A party on the bridge! :D
    zulu9, Jakres, Philovanrood and 2 others like this.
  2. Considering no one else suggested but shavingfoam, I'm gonna build it there.
    zulu9, shavingfoam and mba2012 like this.

  3. I hadn't heard of Lotad's latest scheme. Made for a little light reading over in that thread. I wish them all the best, but is seems that NR is suffering from some interesting strife in what 58 pages?

    As I said, good luck to them (honestly).

    Now, what was that bridge we were talking about? I suppose you kept it within LLO height limits, contacted the proper landowners for permission and submitted forms in triplicate to the bridge sanctification authority? ;)
    Jakres, L0tad, jacob5089 and 5 others like this.
  4. Nope, he didn't. I am requesting 100 written books from you Shavingfoam.
    zulu9, Jakres and jacob5089 like this.
  5. :(
    zulu9, Jakres, mba2012 and 1 other person like this.
  6. Were you guys seriously talking about the NR in a bad way here? I have no prejudice over the LLO, as it is the most successful and one of the most beautiful wild outposts ever. But the views of Dean are not the views of all Neorepublicans. I have to put Spenser's quote up here.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. I don't believe so, unless I missed a post. The first post on the NR as far as I know is a cross post from Dean about 30 posts back. Are we (am I) poking fun at the NR? Most certainly. It's all in good fun though. I suppose your constitution still allows for fun? *rimshot*

    I wish the NR good luck. We now have two counterpoint approaches that couldn't get farther apart politically. LLO is too far towards Anarchy to function as well as it should, and the NR is the poster child for rules, bureaucracy, and restriction. To be honest, a functional system would lie somewhere in between. The LLO has plenty of dysfunction, but we haven't spent a lot of time arguing about whether someone was mayor or prime minister, or whatever.

    The biggest problem over at the NR is that people given a taste of "power" let it go to their heads. That will calm down I'm sure.
    Jakres, Philovanrood, L0tad and 6 others like this.
  8. Wow. Have not been able to follow the thread for a while and just caught up on the latest 150 posts or so.

    So a few things:
    Yes, I still have computer issues, basically the lack of a computer with a graphics card and enough ram able to handle MC.

    But more importantly:
    EPIC BRIDGE PROJECT! I reallly love it and demand more pictures (esp if there is a party) ;)

    The lighthouse thingy also looks really great and I love the fact we still getting new members.
    Jakres, Philovanrood, mba2012 and 4 others like this.
  9. Thank you, but some people may find it offensive when jacob says "We won't take that BS!"
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  10. Jacob is posting quite a bit over on the NR thread. Feel free to confront him there about this if you so desire. I don't think we have any interest in such a discussion here. Anyone else so inclined can cruise on over there to see the current state of NR discourse.

    Again, good luck and have a great day!
    zulu9, Jakres and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  11. I never said anything was BS. I don't swear.
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Indeed, we don't.
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Please let this be the end of this particular he-said she-said. M'kay?

    We're all happy people here baking cobblestone into smooth stone...
    Jakres and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  14. :D Another hot air balloon is up, just need to untether it.
  15. Your wish is my command. ;)

    2013-06-03_21.36.00.png 2013-06-03_21.36.15.png 2013-06-03_21.44.23.png 2013-06-03_21.45.39.png

    Worked on the lighting/decoration for the middle part of the bridge. Used birch and pine planks to match the birch and pine leaves.
  16. I really should try cleaning up my laptop a bit more... Found this gem. Enjoy! :D

    Some really old footage of the LLO from around early August last year. Sorry about the lag. And this video is during one of the LLO's famous storms.
  17. Looks awesome Jakres! :D
    Jakres likes this.
  18. Just thought I'd mention, the stone gen by the western tree farm has been griefed...
    Jakres likes this.