smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Weird. Someone took half of my double bed from my house. Seems everything else is fine. Looks like I got left by some girlfriend and she only took half of our bed lol.

    Edit: I also found a random block of stonebrick near the shower. Seems whoever took the bed did not know how to use a ladder. Nothing seems griefed tho.
  2. Bahaha that's good, lawyer is coming in morning to get the rest
  3. Heck yes! Maybe we should do that. xD

    You're obviously new here. We talk random stuff all the time :confused:
    Also "devolving to random comments":

    Yes, after your thread about your parents flipping out over Terry's name I told Zulu. I placed the signs there on your house and there's also a grave in the graveyard with a light on top. "In Memory of SpaceShuttleFan." :) Can remove it if you want since you're back I guess? :eek:
    Yeah, the half the bed is just the start. Doesn't the guy usually lose everything but his clothes? xD
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Haha yea I removed it already, be back on later maybe lol
    Jakres likes this.
  5. So I've been trying to find out if there really is a tunnel to the spawn. I've gotten yes and no. So is there?
    Jakres likes this.
  6. There is a minecart rail to the Periodic Reset Area, but not to the actual spawn

    Random status update: I got creeper bombed, lost my diamond armor and tools and...uh's going to kill me

    EDIT: 2 likes in a minute? wow.
  7. Ok thanks!
    Jakres likes this.
  8. I made a small post office thingy on top of the creeper safety foundation house near the guest house / central station. It can be used if you hire people to bring stuff from town or mines or as an exchange place. Please be sure to use locks as this central area won't be safe from stealing. I will post some screenshots of it soon. It is nothing amazing. Just a small room with some chests and signs. Tried to make it not too ugly though. ;)
    Jakres, shavingfoam and Luke4214 like this.
  9. Post office.

    Hope everyone is ok with it. If not I will take it down. It is next to the FAQ board, built on top the creeper safety foundation hut.

    It could be used to get deliveries over to the LLO or as a bank.
    Like a default answer to this:
    A: "I put stuff for you in a chest"
    B: "Where?"
    A :"Post office at central."


    Jakres, SecretAznEks, mba2012 and 7 others like this.
  10. Since the screens I made some minor improvments to the building.
    The idea came partly because I heard some member got stuff delivered here and partly because I see more and more trading. So this could serve as kind of bank too.
    We might have a discussion about how we will handle trading / commercial stuff / business / shops at the LLO. We do not have some of the nice tools available in town.

    I do not want to become the LLO all about making cash. However a community bank worth the name and some guidelines for trading at the LLO would be nice I think.
    Jakres, SecretAznEks, lusaras and 3 others like this.
  11. Say if a creeper has spotted you. It chases you into the Outpost. What would be the smartest thing to do? Disconnect?
    Jakres likes this.
  12. On the topic of making new things, I've made a 'stairway' down to the depths of the PRA. Why? because I am sick of 1x1 cobblestone towers underground :p. If anyone passes by on their way into town and sees it greifed, can you please pm me? Thanks.

    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  13. Not sure about disconnect. Never tried that.
    My strategy is: Try to lure it away from buildings, water help contain the damage too. Also I have been able to kill creepers even with an iron sword if lag is low. Approach, attack, retreat, repeat.
    But if it will hug you try to get it away from stuff as far as possible. After the attack, if possible fill the hole or place a sign or tell us about the creeper incident here.
    Jakres likes this.
  14. I usually double tap W and charge them swinging if there's no water nearby xD
    Jakres likes this.
  15. The entrance to the PRA side of the LLO rail has been griefed. I've covered it up, but we may want to conceal it a bit better. Can we get someone on the rail team to double-check the damage? I was running from a spider at the time, so I may have missed something
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  16. Im pretty sure it would find you again if you disconnected and reconnected
    Jakres likes this.
  17. one point to gryffindor
  18. Are you saying that zombieslayer and mba are banned or what?
    Jakres likes this.
  19. What's this texture? I like ones that are like default but smoother.
    Jakres and Luke4214 like this.
  20. No I meant the airkiller and iceman guys. Not Zombie and Mba, mybad.
    Jakres likes this.