smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I could bring some extra resources or things - do you guys need anythin?
    and I could come and build a Small Wall :)
  2. Zulu'9: I looked at your photos from the jungle outpost. And I wonder, what texture pack do you use??
  3. It is called "Sphax purebdcraft" and my all time favorite.
  4. Lol, it's come a long way and now I can hardly miss it on the map :p

    Count me in, I'll probably build a floating island next to your jungle (I like floating islands)
  5. awwww, no pics of my tower on the slideshow? :/ :p
  6. Sometimes you have to toot your own horn, Skywarp. :cool:
  7. on monday i will come with a supply wagon i guess
  8. Yay congrats oidking
  9. Can I add to this? Please DON'T leave your cart at the end of the track for others to wreck into and PLEASE return carts to the dispenser when done. I'm not trying to be rude. I just can't keep refilling it over and over like I have been :/
  10. I have always one Cart on my inventory just in advance :D
  11. Hey guys i just made a quote. I do not always play games, but when i do, i perfer minecraft.
  12. Since I've been living in the community for a couple weeks now after fleeing griefers wreaking havoc upon my previous two outposts, I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Philo Van Rood (please don't call me 'Phil'; that name reminds me of an awful Christmas song our son sang in Kindergarten....anyway...), and I ask humbly to be accepted into the community. (I've already met Runewulf in-game, but felt I should say 'hi' to those I haven't met yet.)

    I live up in the northeast corner in the small cottage down by the 'river', and my major project is the skyscraper nearby. I am open to contribution, but ask a few things regarding the construction;

    If you build on to the skeleton; i.e.; the main structural components, please maintain the outer cobblestone facade of alternating vertical columns and spaces (planned to be filled with glass panes), the main elevator (ladder) shaft in the center, and the four 'skylight' or 'solar tubes' that will run from the roof (height yet to be determined) to the 'lobby' on the ground floor. Also, please avoid changing the lobby floor AT ALL, since the pattern of stone/sandstone is completely natural, discovered by digging the foundation, and is just flippin' AWESOME. ;D Thank you.

    Beyond that, I encourage members of the community to flesh out the interiors of the floors, and if you have a great design concept, take a stab at the lobby as well. There is a 2m floor beneath the lobby, below which the sub-levels are being hollowed out. I want to make this thing HUGE, and there is NO WAY I can find enough time to do the whole thing myself, so have fun, be creative, and let's make this thing GREAT! Peace and love to all. ;D
  13. I found 6 extra minecarts floating around in various chests. I have placed them in the central dispenser. :oops:
  14. Welcome Philo. I was wondering what that was about. ;)
  15. So I signed in last night , went to my house and found a creeper in my house. All he wanted was a warm home to sleep in lol
  16. Time to get out the jack-o-lanterns, torches and glowstone. :cool:
  17. Lol true that, I been making tons of charcoal to help Zulu light up the community
  18. Curundu IT WORKED - i have grassy land now :)
  19. Yay!