Very Good! We are getting a team together as we speak and I will be here for 2 hours! Then I will be back tonight about 7pm Est and I will be here ALL NITE LONG! So.... I am starting the Quartz Mining Thread now...
Thank You Dreacon for the DC of Enchanted Books! OB1 just finished the Armory and he will put these to good use!!!
A BIG THANK YOU TO ShaunWhite1982..... Have you all SEEN the Wall with the Arch yet? Visit 8143 on Smp4...
If you have not seen the lots on Smp4 for awhile you are missing it! Come to 8100 and look in any direction... It is amazing! If you are wanting to join the contest for designers and want your winning entry in the city.... Now is the time to look at what I am wanting and what you can come up with from there.... Now for the BIG FUN..... There will be a creation in the middle 6 connected residences.... and the building will house the EMC Memorial..... So.... get your creations flowing... cause we are getting closer by the day!
I am just AMAZED at all the donations big and small... You are all so awesome and this is going better and better all the time... Now that we have the wall almost up and the towers are designed.... we will be needing even more to begin.... The Empiric Palace! Yes... more details will be coming soon Its time for you to join the Project Forum and keep in touch!