
Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by g0hl, May 9, 2013.

  1. we use the same Shaving cream, (because its cheap and doesnt smell like flowers) am i right?
  2. How fine is the sandpaper? That must give you smooth skin :p
  3. I bet he uses Macrogrit sand paper Extra Coarse
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. Sounds just about right for Dwight.
  5. I have been studying the art of shaving even before a single hair appeared on my bare chin. My father, himself a sensei of the Facial Hair Fraternity, taught me to groom myself with nothing but the nail on my index finger. "Son", he said, gripping both my shoulders with his large hands, "A man must always be prepared to shave, no matter what the circumstance."
    penfoldex, L0tad, HylianNinja and 6 others like this.
  6. I lol'd at this...
  7. women shave too! :p

  8. just in case anyone was curious ^-^
  9. What you mean I want my face smell like roses lol and yes it's cheap & last forever.

    Smooth as a gravel road
    britbrit3197 and mba2012 like this.
  10. lol, a razor with a battery. I love it.
    battmeghs and mba2012 like this.
  11. It vibrates the razor or something like that. It actually does help somehow. Even without it the blades are thinner than a sturgeon's scalpel so overall it's a BEAST razer.
  12. we shave too! it is valid enough for us!
    - i don't use female shavers either, they tend to not do anything correctly.. i find the male shavers to be much more comfortable and easier to manage. same with shaving cream, i hate the female brands, they suck... lmfao, it comes rather in handy when my husband and i go shopping for these things, we buy practically the same things for the both of us and that is that. lmfao
    Monster_ likes this.
  13. Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me.
    mba2012, HylianNinja and battmeghs like this.

  14. a Sturgeons scalpel? .-.
    mba2012 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  15. Yes. A Sturgeons scalpel.
    Monster_ likes this.