
Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by g0hl, May 9, 2013.

  1. :confused:
  2. What?
  3. I dunno lol, just saying there shavers for women too....:oops:
  4. Dude. Still. A thread about shaving would be for men... usually.
  5. Haha, given that women (in the States, at least -- I don't know about other places) are expected to keep quite a bit of themselves hairless, I'd hope so. That razor you posted is quite good, too.
    battmeghs, mba2012 and RainbowChin like this.
  6. I dont know i shave a lot... I love looking at razors and shaving cream while i wait on my girl friends to pick out some shoes.....

    I use some manly razor thingys for my leg beard, because womens razors suck and cant even cut skin. I dont know the name buts its orange and blue, (im a busy person and cant be bothered to remember names). And to shave my face beard i use a cheese shaver majig that looks like a cow bell. That is all.....
  7. Well, anyway lol...I only have a slight moustache coming through which is barely noticeable at the moment, so shaving's a long way off for me. Then again, I might decide to keep it.
  8. Was drinking while reading this. Brb need to find towels.
    battmeghs and Monster_ like this.

  9. I don't even want to begin to imagine that lol
    battmeghs and Monster_ like this.
  10. Its very hard and only true masters can achieve a smooth silky face.
  11. My shaving abilities are well regarded throughout the known universe.
  12. Well, it is only what your are named for
  13. It is a blessing...and a curse.
  14. Where's shavingfoam?
  15. Oh nvm
    RainbowChin likes this.
  16. Oh, I haven't any idea
  17. Me neither must be logged off
  18. L0tad, HylianNinja, Monster_ and 5 others like this.
  19. Barbasol shaving cream and cheap razor if I don't have that sandpaper all the way lol
    mba2012 and britbrit3197 like this.
  20. Here's just a few pics of what a real man uses to shave.....