[Service] TreeHouse Apartment

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by SteamingFire, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. Back to main thread:

    Welcome to the

    TreeHouse Apartment! (these photos make the build look small...)
    /v +treehouse, +apartment, +THA, +TA, SteamingFire, or 5619 on /utopia

    This is a one-time payment, permanent stay* apartment.
    *see rules for details

    How it works:
    1) You go to this res
    2) You explore and choose a leaf-room
    3) You tell me, either via this thread or via PM, which room you want
    4) You /pay SteamingFire the room fee
    5) I give you a subzone with +admin in your leaf-room
    6) You decorate your leaf-room

    All leaf-rooms are slightly different in shape and size! No two rooms are the same!

    Rules and Fine Print:
    1) Only one leaf-room per person.
    2) Only 3 pets and 1 armor stand per room. Pets must be kept on leashes or in a pen.
    3) On 8/18/2020, I became a Diamond Supporter, meaning that I have 100 subzones per res. This means that everyone will now have their own permanent subzone in their leaf-room.
    4) Even if your subzone may extend further than what you're supposed to keep your build in, please only build inside of your leaf-room. You may hang small ornaments and etc. around the outside of your room and at your doorway, but please do not build anything so large on the outside that you cannot recognize the leaf-room anymore.
    5) Do not grief, do not steal, do not harass other residents, and do not build anything inappropriate. If you do any of these things, I will ban you from the res without refund and without giving any of your items back.
    6) If you are banned from EMC for any reason, for any length of time, I reserve the right to evict you from your apartment room. You will not get a refund and you may or may not have your items held for you for pick-up.
    7) No functioning redstone. Buttons are allowed for semi-automatic things. Redstone lamps are allowed.
    8) If you want to place water or lava, there needs to be blocks below it so that it does not drip outside your leaf-room.
    9) You're allowed to move rooms, but there will be a 50r fee that doubles every time you move. That means that if it's your third time, there will be a 200r fee. Your original leaf-room fee will not be refundable in this case, so try to pick a leaf-room that you know you'll want permanently.
    10) I reserve the right to kick you, evict you, or ban you for any reason, for any length of time, with or without refunding you, with or without returning your items. So please behave.
    11) I am but one person, so if there's a line of people waiting to be served, please be patient. Think about how to decorate your room while you wait :)
    12) Rooms are first-come first-serve. I do reservations, but will not reserve your room indefinitely. I reserve the right to cancel your reservation.
    13) I used a Permanent Derelict Protection Voucher, so there's no risk of the res going derelict.
    14) Do not break any leaves. If you break one and tell me, I'll replace it. If you break one and don't tell me, there will be a 50r fine per leaf broken.
    15) Do not add or edit tags or locs or change your tpset.
    16) As long as you log in at least once every 365 days, your hotel room will remain yours. However, if you are gone for more than 365 consecutive days, your room will be put up for scrutiny. If I decide that your room may be better off sold to another eager resident, you may lose your room. Your purchase will not be refunded, but all of your items will be packaged into shulker boxes and mailed to you or stored for you to pick up. I guarantee that you will not lose any valuables to being derelict in the hotels.
    17) If you tell me for any reason that you want to move out, I will confirm with you only once, and then you will be moved out if you confirm it. You will not receive a refund. If you want to move back in again, you will be treated like a new resident, which includes being at the end of the waiting line.

    Rooms and Prices: (All rooms are full. Please check back later.)

    Floor 1, Room Northeast:
    Floor 1, Room Southeast:
    Floor 1, Room Southwest:
    Floor 1, Room Northwest:
    Floor 2, Room North:
    Floor 2, Room East:
    Floor 2, Room South:
    Floor 2, Room West:
    Floor 3 (penthouse):
    Floor 4, Room North:
    Floor 4, Room East:
    Floor 4, Room South:
    Floor 4, Room West:
    Floor 5, Room Northeast:
    Floor 5, Room Southeast:
    Floor 5, Room Southwest:
    Floor 5, Room Northwest:

    Thank you to everyone who donated and helped!

    Extra things on the res (all of these have a teleport pad to your left when you enter the res):
    Large pool and minibeach /v +pool
    - Towels, recliners, and sand buckets provided
    - Diving board
    Refreshments (drinks) stand /v +drinks (operated when I'm there)
    Steaming's Sauna /v +sauna
    "Parkour" staircase behind the tree /v 5619.parkour
    Mini Leaf Maze /v +maze
    Snow Goal (custom game; read book on lectern) at northwest corner of res /v +snowgoal
    Playable checkers board /v +checkers
    Playable chess board /v +chess
    Playable Connect 4 /v +connect4
    Playable Battleship /v +battleship
    Playable Othello/Reversi /v 5619.othello
    Playable Tic-Tac-Toe /v +tictactoe
    Ice Boat Racing Course /v 5619.boatrace
    Pig Racing (3 tracks) and pig maze /v 5619.pigrace
    Christmas Elytra Race Course
    Horse Racing Track and other horse things next door, on Ipswitch's res!
    HazardousUWU likes this.
  2. Floor 5 Southwest Room please and thank you! :D
    I'll pay right now.
    SteamingFire likes this.
  3. Your subzone has been set up. You have a permanent subzone :) Decorate whenever you want.
  4. Thank you :D
  5. 7 rooms have been taken. The next person will be the 8th person, i.e. the last person to get a permanent subzone for now :3
  6. Rules have been updated. Please note that I will be using a Diamond Supporter Voucher before the month ends, and thus some points in the rules have changed :3
  7. I have become a Diamond Supporter, so everyone will now have their own permanent subzone. The rules have been updated to reflect this.
  8. The TreeHouse Apartment has a new pool and minibeach! Come see the new additions! Towels, recliners and sand buckets provided.
    /v +pool
  9. There is now a mini refreshment stand, free of charge, near the pool :D Operated when owner is available.
    /v +drinks
  10. There is now a sauna :D Turn immediately left when you enter the res and go towards the jungle-wood building.
    /v +sauna
  11. There is now a playable checkers board :D I wanted to make a chess board but I don't have the pieces... I'll figure it out >_>
    Raaynn likes this.
  12. There may still be chess heads available at +deco on utopia..
  13. They don't sell them via the chests; you gotta contact N0TSURE, who hasn't logged in for 120 days.
  14. Okay, so someone else sold me a chess set! I now have a playable chess set! /v +chess
    The signs holding the letters and numbers are just temporary until I can get heads that have letters and numbers on top of them xD
  15. New custom game made at the northwest corner of the res! Snow Goal. Throw snowballs into all 12 goals as fast as you can or in as few throws as possible! Avoid obstacles blocking your path. Have fun! Read the book on the lectern for all of the rules.
  16. Snow Goal has been rebuilt and has only 8 goals now instead of 12. Instructions have been rewritten. Have fun!
  17. Snow Goal now has a hard mode. Sprite and Ginger Ale have been added to the drinks stand. A "parkour" staircase has been built; waiting approval.
  18. Connect 4 has been added :D a maze (waiting approval) has also been added.
    /v +connect4
    /v +maze
  19. Battleship is now available! /v +battleship
    HazardousUWU likes this.
  20. The parkour and maze have been approved :D Thanks, MoreMoople
    HazardousUWU likes this.