[Service] Helping Hands Digging Service

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by cutejuliew, Aug 16, 2014.


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  1. Is this service still going? Cause I need it done quite soon :p
  2. We are currently taking care of another order right now. We'll get to you as soon as we can. I should use "I" instead of "we" because I'm the only person that's doing something on the team right now (Julie's busy all the time now)

    Normally, we'd handle two orders at once. Hopefully Julie will be on to take care of yours.
    fishmeal likes this.
  3. Thanks, just let me know when to give you or julie the flags :)
  4. Layers needed to be dug out: 31
    Normal or double (name item for double): Normal
    Total Price: 15,500
    Residence #: 11015 SMP5

    Just send me a message on the forums when you are ready to work and I'll set up perms.

  5. actually I believe that marlix and momentus drops them as super rare drops (but that may be only for events.)
  6. Do you do it alone or together with the one ordering? :D
  7. Marlix and Momentus drop dirt removal clocks but its a 0.1% chance for them to drop. Aikar showed us the code in one of his coding streams. It's not only for events.
  8. We usually dig together, but sometimes we will split up the residences if there are multiple... Julie has been very busy lately, so I've been the only one working the past week.
  9. I mean together with the one ordering :p But I'm pretty sure you'll do that, because it costs you less work.
  10. We're now finished with fishmeal's order. Julie didn't know the entire time for some reason, but eventually I got someone to help at the end.. after I dug 27 layers solo.

    Order #4

    9/1/14 - 1:51am - order placed
    9/1/14 - 1:57am - order accepted
    9/2/14 - 9:23pm - started digging
    9/2/14 - 9:54pm - break
    9/2/14 - 10:56pm - break over
    9/2/14 - 11:36pm - checking in for the night; 4.1/50 layers dug
    9/3/14 - 5:30pm - resuming job
    9/3/14 - 7:12pm - leaving the house
    9/3/14 - 11:36pm - now home & checking in; 6.3/50 layers dug
    9/4/14 - 6:53pm - resuming job
    9/4/14 - 10:08pm - checking in for the night; 14/50 layers dug
    9/5/14 - 5:43pm - resuming job
    9/5/14 - 7:53pm - away
    9/5/14 - 10:02pm - resuming job
    9/5/14 - 11:25pm - checking in for the night; 22/50 layers dug
    9/6/14 - 12:00pm - away
    9/6/14 - 5:47pm - resuming dig
    9/6/14 - 11:24pm - checking in for the night; 27/50 layers dug
    9/7/14 - 12:00pm - away all day
    9/8/14 - 11:49pm - resuming job
    9/9/14 - 1:57am - checking in for the night; 36/50 layers dug
    9/9/14 - 10:00am - resuming job
    9/9/14 - 12:30pm - job finished; 50/50 layers dug
    fishmeal and 607 like this.
  11. Order accepted. Build and use flags please. We may use a bit of TNT, so enable that flag, too (/res set tnt true) :D This shouldn't take long if the whole team helps. Also, our prices are wrong for a whole residence. Residences have 63 layers of dirt and it would cost you 31,500r.

    Order accepted. Expect a very fast completion once the instructions and permissions are given :)
    We will accept your order once we're done with the previous ones. We'll inbox you when we're ready :)
  12. Edited top message! changed 64 layers to 63. (technically only 63 layers on every res)
    607 likes this.
  13. Wow! This was fast and cheap! It is an awesome way to keep rupees amongst players instead of paying staff, too. Thanks guys (mostly Ultimamaxx).
    When I claim my next res I will call on you if you still aren't bored of digging. Splitting payment for cutejuliew and Ultimamaxx as requested (and a little tip).

    I highly recommend this to anyone thinking about it. It was way faster to clear a whole res than I could build in the space and for less than half the price of a senior staff edit!
    607 likes this.
  14. Still in business?
    I have another res to clear, but this one is more than half done. The number of layers will depend on when you can take the job, as some others have been working on and off.
    If you are in business and can take the job today(ish), here it is:
    Edited: no longer needed

    and if you really love digging, I will have another whole res that needs 6/7 layers removed in a week or two :)
  15. The HHDS team has been very busy lately! We'll resume digging shortly :)
    607 likes this.
  16. heheheheh, I'll just be adding to the queue :p I realllly need this done for what hopefully will be an event of sorts, so preferably before mid-October. If you can't do it by then, let me know, and I'll figure something else out.

    Layers needed to be dug out: 55 to 10
    Normal or double (name item for double): Normal
    Total Price: 22500
    Residence #: 18290, on SMP9

    I believe that's 45 layers, and if my math's right, 22.5k in cost.
  17. Layers needed to be dug out: 2

    Total price: 1000r
    Residence #: 9105 SMP4

    Please PM me
  18. Layers needed to be dug out: 4
    Normal or double (name item for double): Normal, just clearing
    Total Price: 2k
    Residence #: 18623

    PM me when you guys are ready, mine shouldn't take terribly long :D
  19. These orders are now finished (9/21/14) :) and sorry for the people with the bigger orders! We will finish those as soon as possible :D
  20. Awesome! You're back! I no longer need my order, though. Thank you. I will edit the post so I don't confuse you.