Server Problems? Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. Hasn't that been the status for almost two years now? :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  2. Servers down for maintenance?


    Problem w Minecraft accounts. I'm on it.
    607 likes this.
  3. The server have hiccup now to. lots of time-outs. cannot login. etc. when i can login things are not saved. So you need to redo it again. also sound of placeing blocks is missing. what means take cover.
  4. We are getting some serious TPS problems on SMP5.

    If you can't see the numbers, they are

    Edit: It appears to be getting much better now!
    Nilex92 likes this.
  5. Yea sorry about that. I've known about a problem for a long time, but could not identify the exact cause.

    Good news! Found the cause, and eliminated it. SMP5 should not ever lag like that again.

    Nilex92, 607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  6. Is the proxy restarting manual / automatic or its just crashing ? seen that message now a few times and then lots of minecraft empire things are not available for short time.
  7. It restarts once a day. if that is what you are asking.
  8. Hi - having a few probs....

    1. Its taking forever to ping the server from the login screen.
    2. When it tries to connect, get a message saying maybe the server is down
    3. When I CAN connect, arrows wont shoot, cant collect any XP (it just twirls around me) and then I get timed out and cant connect again.

    I asked in chat and got a reply from a player saying they were having exact same issues

    technologygeek likes this.
  9. Exact same issues here on SPM5. When I can finally get on it only lasts for about 5 minutes or less then I disconnect with some error about the connection to the host machine being reset or lost. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. :p
  10. The internet is currently experiencing issues, you can check status here:
    weeh666 likes this.
  11. Having same problems connecting to any EMC server if I get in there is a ton of server lag and then after 1-5min i either get Timed out or get : An existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host
  12. Nice, where playing on smp9. the server did restart.
    And now i cannot login because im routed to smp1 and the server thinks im still logged in on smp9 so i get kicked.
  13. This is happening to TheBunhol & I as well.
  14. Same here.
  15. Sound like there's a bad restart function and the avatars dont get logged out when a server restart.
  16. The server didn't restart ;) It crashed.
  17. Its still crashed. live page dont work login still dont work.
    And why is the server not giveing the account free. so we can login again on hopefull other one.

    :mad:;) Let me in and play ...
  18. Something wrong with Smp9? I can't connect at all I've tried in-game and direct connect.
  19. smp9 itself appears to be up, but I'm hearing of problems with bungee, so connecting to it is the issue.
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