[SELLING] +tv - Supporter Vouchers

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Tuqueque, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. Last stocked:
    Supporter vouchers: June 2024
    Remote Signs: June 2024
    Derelict vouchers: June 2024

    Hi EMC!

    I'm currently selling supporter vouchers at my res on smp8!
    /v 16060@shop OR /v +tv OR /v +tuqvouchers

    Iron: 60k (I buy at 80%)
    Gold: 124k (I buy at 85%)
    Diamond: 248k (I buy at 85%)

    Prices for individual vouchers non negotiable.

    Other Items:
    Remote Shop Signs - 1 for 800 (do not count for raffle entry)

    Permanent Vouchers

    Perm Protection Vouchers Stocked Every 3-6 months if Tuqueque is still active.
    Two pricing Tiers:
    • 1.55m Majority of stock, Competitive price
      • If you buy a perm voucher you can get 50% discount on a supporter voucher, just dm so I can reimburst.
      • (I buy at 1.1m)
    • 2.55m Emergency Price:
      • Always available via the shop sign if someone needs it immediately. Recommended if absolutely no one else is offering.
    Other Voucher Sellers:

    DM me if you would like to be placed in this list.

    Show your love for EMC by getting yourself a colorful username :D
    ENJOY 😊

    (Disclaimer: Colors are Gray for Iron, Gold, for Gold and Cyan for Diamond. If you want Green, you'll need to join our wonderful staff team, and for Blue, help Chickeneer write the Land Claiming update :p)
  2. Other Services

    Event Pricing!
    To qualify, submit a pitch for your event

    Iron Individual: 40,040
    Gold Individual: 80,080
    Diamond Individual: 160,160
    Perm Voucher: 960,000

    Event Funding via Tuq’s Venture Capitalist
    If you require rupees for an event you are organizing, please checkout details here!

    So far 10mil+ has been donated/discounted for events since 2022. I’ll add a registry/record of these at a later date.

    Perm Prot Nominations!
    Send a nomination to give for free perm prot to a derelict user.
    The goal of this is to protect EMC history for any famous reses which are not perm protected yet.
    *Extraordinary cases may grant perm prot to an active user with enough nominations.
    How to send nomination:
    submit nomination via dm or this thread, or even discord
    4 different players must agree with your nomination

    shavingfoam accepted for "iconic shop" and nominated by Sefl, triphora, NuclearBobomb, ultipig, and fadedmartian - Account protected on Aug 17 2024

    Customer Rewards | Raffle
    Not guaranteed, but there is a chance for a monthly raffle to happen every month for customers
    Feel free to message me if you see me online while in-game for discounts or free stuff.

    PSA - Voucher Redemptions
    When you activate supporter vouchers, you can combine Lower tiers into an upgraded supportership month...
    If you obtain 4 iron vouchers , you can potentially ask for 1 month of diamond or 2 months of gold.
    You need to clarify this when you submit the form, but just putting the information out there as I've had the question raised a couple of times now.
    UltiPig likes this.
  3. Great seller, timely delivery. Thank you!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. Give away..how did I miss this..

    I'd like to buy a gold voucher plz... payment sent :)
    Tuqueque likes this.
  5. Lovely shop!!

    Suspiciously similar to Ulti's architecture o.(o)

    Entered the next giveaway :D
    fadedmartian, Tuqueque and ultipig like this.
  6. record of giveaway post prior to August 2024

    I’ll mail award on Monday, CONGRATS!


    Prize: Diamond Supporter Voucher

    1. Lomax70
    2. HazardousCode
    3. BrattyTess
    4. Fred_TWK
    5. UpmostLocket108
    6. w1therrex
    7. TimberWolf20
    8. DueDiligence
    9. Zomberina

    Thanks Moople for drawing the winner

    I’ll publish Prize for the second half of July on Monday as well :)


    I have sent BrattyTess their award!
    (see previous post for winner)

    The next two weeks, will have the following award:
    Good luck!

    Beginning of August Giveaway will be a Gold Supporter Voucher :)


    We are already in August!

    I want to announce that the next giveaway will be for purchases between August 1st and 15th 30th; he award will be a gold supporter voucher.

    *drumrolls* and the winner for the second half of July is:


    Congrats, I'll mail prize shortly :)


    Giveaway August 2022
    ... and winner is...

    Congrats cenexx_ ! Voucher mailed from iTuq!

    edit: Yes I realize now that today is august 31 and not September 1, but yeah, all purchases if any done today will count for the September raffle.

    For the Month of September, Raffle prize will be a Gold Voucher + 16 Remote signs.

    Giveaway entries for September Raffle Results
    Prize: Gold Supporter Voucher + 16 Remote Signs

    • CreeperFaceYT
    • Upmostlocket106
    • Kryarias
    • KatyDidBuild
    • Todwaru
    • Enderborg11257

    and winner is....

    Prize sent :)

    Also, putting this here as well as in the OP, as I added it in recently

    Due to this I’ll probably increase prices by 10%+ to try to keep stock for the longest possible. Price change will happen at the start of the next week.

    October Giveaway item will be the Stone Cutter Labor day promo and a mystery item, probably :)

    Giveaway entries for October Raffle
    Prize: Stone Cutter Labor day promo and a mystery item Evil iTuq Head

    • Upmostlocket106
    • AncientTower
    • Trwe
    • BrocksSteamSiege
    • Kledoe

    and the winner is...

    Congrats AncientTower!


    I'm going to be mostly absent during November so I won't be hosting a giveaway this month, as well as there is limited stock.

    BTW PSA for those that do not know...
    When you activate supporter vouchers, you can combine Lower tiers into an upgraded supportership month...
    If you obtain 4 iron vouchers , you can potentially ask for 1 month of diamond or 2 months of gold.
    You need to clarify this when you submit the form, but just putting the information out there as I've had the question raised a couple of times now.

    As for the December giveaway, I doubt I'll obtain more stock as stated previously, however I have a few spares in my vault which I might put in the shop chests. The giveaway for the holidays, will then be a raffle (or raffles) for all the customers which have used this service since its opened until the end date (maybe mid-December maybe New Years). (Prizes and End date tbd)

    Thanks for reading and using this shop!
  7. woohoo, awesome!
    Thanks alot! ^-^
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. How do i enter the giveaway?
  9. All unique customers enter a biweekly or monthly raffle, as an extra reward/thank you for their purchases
    UltiPig and Upmostlocket106 like this.
  10. This is lovely, thank you!!
    Tuqueque and Upmostlocket106 like this.
  11. I just found out I won via my /mail and I just want to thank Tuq for the giveaway and to all those that participated.
  12. Thanks I bought a couple diamond supporter vouchers.
    Upmostlocket106 and Tuqueque like this.
  13. February 2023 update - Due to my decrease in activity, I have stopped doing the giveaways mentioned throughout this thread, however stock is still available in the shop. If it’s not on stock pm any if the admins on my res or myself in discord to get more stock. You may also reach out to me in-game if you see me for a discounted voucher.

    Also wanted to update that I did end up sending customer appreciation books to my most loyal customers of last year :)
  14. I've added several services throughout these past almost 2 years, and just a new service idea has been implemented this time which warranted a new post! This has been added to the original post, as well as a compilation of other services.

    Other Services

    Event Pricing!
    To qualify, submit a pitch for your event

    Sell Price
    Iron Individual: 40,040
    Gold Individual: 80,080
    Diamond Individual: 160,160
    Perm Voucher or $100 of Vouchers: 975,000

    If you require funding for an event you are organizing, please checkout details here!

    So far 10mil+ has been donated/discounted for events since 2022

    Perm Prot Nominations! <— NEW SERVICE
    Send a nomination to give for free perm prot to a derelict user.
    The goal of this is to protect EMC history for any famous reses which are not perm protected yet.

    Accounts/Reses protected
    shavingfoam accepted for "iconic shop" and nominated by Sefl, triphora, NuclearBobomb, ultipig, and fadedmartian - Account protected on Aug 17 2024

    Customer Rewards | Raffle
    Not guaranteed, but there is a chance for a monthly raffle to happen every month for customers
    Feel free to message me if you see me online while in-game for discounts or free stuff.
    ultipig, fadedmartian and Sefl like this.
  15. I am so glad that shavingfoam was perm protected! I was going to nominate them and then I read that it's been done.

    I've thought of another couple of players, but one of them already has perm protection. I would like to nominate cubefragment. Problem is that the residences are not the important part of his legacy. It's the wild stuff. So I am still trying to think through the nomination part of this, but I wanted to say THANK YOU for shavingfoam's shop getting protected.
    ultipig and Tuqueque like this.
  16. I second that thank you. Shavingfoam's shop helped me out a lot when I was new to EMC.
    ultipig and Tuqueque like this.
  17. Heya Katy! You have offered the only nomination thus far, to give the perm voucher, I need 3 other players+you agreeing on the request. Find other players which might agree to tell me, or simply like your message, I’ll count the likes as a way of agreeing with your nomination!

    Cheers :)
    ultipig likes this.