[Selling] Derlict Protection Voucher

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Vortixin, Jan 17, 2017.


how much do u think they are?

1 Mill + 13 vote(s) 33.3%
2 Mill + 18 vote(s) 46.2%
3 Mill+ 3 vote(s) 7.7%
4 Mill+ 5 vote(s) 12.8%
  1. Im sell a protection Voucher
    they are now $125 in the market so pm me offers
    obv above 1 mill
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. The other day i bought 1 for 1.8 mill+orebuster+krysyy head( so basicly around 2.4mil
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. They were being sold for $80 and ingame at that price for 1.4-1.8mil. Now that they cost $125 the voucher in game price should be up near 3-4mil
    ShelLuser, Equinox_Boss and Vortixin like this.
  4. Bump
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. But does IRL prize really affect in-game value?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Definitely
    Think about it this way
    Before it was
    $80 that can also get you 4 diamond vouchers
    Then it was $100 which also gets you 5 diamond vouchers
    Now it is $125 which gets you 6 diamond voucher and a iron voucher
    So that alone is one reason the price has gone up
  7. It should. Back when we were able to purchase rupees. $125 for rupees purchase would have gotten you 3.3 mil. So why not say that that value carries over to a permanent derelict voucher at/near the same price. It's the same conversion rate that is still going strong with the support voucher.
    But in the end it's all about what one person is willing to pay for something.
    ShelLuser, UltiPig and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. The problem with values that high is the needed people to actually pay that amount. Personally I wouldn't. Way to high.
    kaptrix, Roslyn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. Are you saying rl money or in-game rupees?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. Sorry game money. $125 is not too terrible to protect all your stuff.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. I voted for 1-mil+, but that was based on the old price. Would like to change my vote to 2-mil+. :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. I'll do 1r if you want. Being generous ;)
    ShelLuser, Rimont and Sealeon like this.
  13. The math you just used made 0 sense...

    Of course it does????

    No that's not how it works. Rupee prices have never been reflective of voucher value.
  14. I sort of skimmed through this thread but saw these 2 post.
    That being said, I'll pay 1.5m right now for one ingame. No questions asked.
  15. Well the balance between the two didn't seem to sway much. I'd show you, but buying rupees isn't an option anymore.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. I remember doing the math on the rupee purchases and it was approximately 10,000r for $1. $20 --> 350k, which means approximately 17,500r --> $1. So no, it's not reflective.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. You also have to take into account that people are more likely to spend $1 than $100 dollars, so the more money you spend in one go the more those extra rupees are worth. With this type of exponential worth of rupees you can't just divide the rupees awarded by the price to find the R/$.
    Rimont likes this.
  18. They where not 80$, It was 100 then 125. :p

    So glad i got mine early :p
    ShelLuser, UltiPig and Equinox_Boss like this.
  19. You're partially right. They were originally $100. But then Christmas 2015 the price was lowered to $80 for a Holiday special. That price has was left up until a week before Christmas 2016. At which point it was changed to $125. For which I sent PM'S to inquire why it was changed and why we were not informed before hand that it would be changing.
    I got back a response but it didn't mention anything as to why.

    So by your logic a $20 diamond voucher should be 200k not 325-350K like it is.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

  20. No, by my logic rupee purchase prices are not reflective of voucher value
    TomvanWijnen and Equinox_Boss like this.