[SELLING] Customized Banners

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by kaptrix, May 6, 2015.

  1. 250r per letter, so 3500r
    What colors do you want?
    Ocelot face can't be made on banners since they only allow 6 dyes. There is one design I found, but it doesn't look good at all. Here's the banana though. It doesn't look that great, but if you want it I'll make it. Of course you can change the background color if you want also.
    607 likes this.
  2. Could I get the Enderman one? Could I have two? That'll be 600r, am I correct?
  3. I want red and green
  4. The price would be 2,750... 250 * 10 = 2500 then add the extra 250 and it's 2750...
  5. Like this?

    Or do you want the ice cream red and green?
    DubChef likes this.
  6. Sorry, you're right. I was looking at one of the 14 letter orders.
    DubChef, 607 and NathanRP like this.
  7. Will pay when online! :D
    georgeashington likes this.
  8. ... banna = banner
  9. Lol okay

    For future reference of everyone, it's highly unlikely I will be able to make anyone's face. Minecraft will only allow up to 6 dyes, not 6 colors. That means the banner can be re-dyed 6 times to make shapes, and a face cannot be made in 6 or less dyes.
    DubChef and 607 like this.
  10. I want the background to be light blue at both please
  11. So you want the actual ice cream red and green?
    DubChef likes this.
  12. no
  13. Yes, 600r and it's finished at 17463 on smp8.
    Done also.
    Hey, so you told me you wanted orange and pink ice cream with the blue background. I can do pink, but if I do orange it will blend with the cone since the cone uses orange.
  14. That's what you get for intentional bad grammar/spelling ;)
    Kephras, f_Builder_s and Ultimamaxx like this.
  15. can you make some banners that will form my signature?
  16. I don't think you'd be able to do such a thing without using hundreds of banners :p
  17. i mean just the picture not the animation
  18. Thanks!
    paying as we speak!
  19. Out of curiosity...
    Does your shop do shapes?
    Or is this just a rectangle banner-picture shop?
    'Cause if i ordered, i'd like one with the spikes at the bottom >.>