Regarding All Bans Lately..

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Olga, Sep 19, 2012.

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  1. As are we all.
  2. Depending on currency, If he had legitimately bought all 7 on it would look like so:
    26.95 x 7= 188.65USD

    According to LZBZ_DW in another thread Rob admitted to buying accounts, possibly from like ebay or something like that. I don't remember how many he had paying supporter status on but his main was diamond, lolcod and afkguy foodenator were regular members. But he admitted to paying supporter for several accounts one day.
  3. Yes, around that if he bought them in beta. But he didnt buy all then. So i would assume $170-210. Also, as we now know, he uses viruses. I suspect he never spent a drop of his own money on accounts.
  4. I don't see how people can bear to have more then 2 accounts.
    Manglex likes this.
  5. More than likely his were just to troll people or log in, get money, /rupees pay Roblikescake [amount] I don't really know about getting a second account myself. I never saw a point to it but 7 seems a bit overkill.

    Edit: Misspelled rupees >.< Fixed it now
    JackBiggin and Dwight5273 like this.
  6. I have 4 accounts but I only use Two of them myself and another for my lil sister uses to play on emc.
  7. I nearly added robbielikescake on skype but then I remembered what wiser people than I have said...

    I was also friends with most of those people I'm ashamed of myself that I didn't see the trolliness in them
  8. I aggree with you 100%. So who's alts are:KingofKraft13, annatexas, antoniolovex13??? Just wondering:)
  9. Wait.. what did roblikescake do? I haven't heard about him doing anything (then again, I usually don't notice this stuff :/)
  10. LOL
  11. xD That's how it's supposed to be pronounced instead of A-Car
  12. :pPPP
  13. Although most people will remember KingofKraft13, I remember him as the alt of AntonioLovex3. AnnasTexas is his girlfriend who tried the game and, I assume, didn't play it much because KoK13 started using the account as another alt.

    Since he's banned I think I can tell you that my first encounter with AntonioLove got him banned. As I was coming in from mining through a tunnel one night, he dug into a tunnel I was in, set me on fire with flint and steel then once I outran him, positioned himself between me and Spawn so I couldn't come in. Unluckily for him, I had the presence of mine to screenshot him lighting me on fire.

    He came back as KingofKraft, got banned for using hte alt, then unbanned. He was eventually able to talk the mods into allowing the AntonioLove back.

    I was pretty upset at the time since, even now, a permanent ban isn't really permanent and in checking his auctions he had been selling used picks so I didn't like that he seemingly profited from mugging kids out in the Wild.

    I eventually let it go and oddly, I had come to like him. As far as I know he had put that behavior behind him and found legitimate things to do. His 156k giveaway had a fun rule and we had a like mind on a lot of forum subjects. Not sure how he got mixed up in the same batter as RobLikesCake. Because of our "history" I don't think they are the same person.
    _Stads_ and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. He had posted a thread the other night:

    Me and a few others commented on his page asking why? His reply was that his accounts were hacked. Then in game when you /p his names it says Hacked/Alt account of Roblikescake. Considering he hasn't said much in the Empire Minecraft group on Facebook kinda makes me wonder. I figured he'd be trying to beg to be unbanned and that he wasn't rob but it's not looking that way.
  15. I'm still in contact with Roblikescake and he has never sent me a virus, I find that strange...
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  16. He won't send it to those he knows are smart enough to avoid it...
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  17. Why thank you, but I have no clue about anything computer related.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  18. I would not admit that.... Alot of people will start trying to give you viruses...
  19. Well considering everyone has been sent a "DayZ" virus, DayZ is a Zombie thing for Arma II. He has a character on Arma II. I googled DayZ and apparently there was/is some kind of hack or virus going around through it. You can also google search the name roblikescake and find that he's also been banned from other servers for griefing, this isn't his first. He has also admitted to obtaining accounts without going through
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
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