Regarding All Bans Lately..

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Olga, Sep 19, 2012.

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  1. Sadly I was one of the people Rob attacked. I trusted him (at the time) so I helped out with what he need. I am not going to say what he did. The good thing is that once I found out about it I turned on him and that is when the screenshots came in. Even if he did attack me with a virus it would not work because I was running Ubuntu at that moment.
  2. Roblikescake was framed or hacked himself. He would not do that :( Then again, he wouldn't tell anybody his other accounts that he runs through a proxy...
  3. The accounts I know of are:

    Foodenator, lolcod, theafkguy, EMCake_Party, and rampage12a
    pat2011 likes this.
  4. Food is an alt? :( I almost died yesterday, green left, and I think i'm depressed because i've been upset all day.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  5. Indeed Food is an alt. I have also been very upset about Rob but a troll is a troll even if they are your best friend.
    pat2011 likes this.
  6. I'm a troll.
    No i'm not.
    Yes I am.
    Maybe I am maybe i'm not.
  7. Ban in 3....
    pat2011 likes this.
  8. 2
  9. 1?
  10. 1.....
    *ICC your mic is hot*
  11. Wow, a few big names in this :(
  12. SoulPunisher,

    Googling roblikescake actually brings up quite a history for rob. This isn't the first server he's had problems with.

    Honestly, that whole post about us not knowing his alts should of drawn our attention earlier. No-one goes through that much trouble to hide themselves unless they have something to hide...

    Cause he did more technical hole jumping than even I would to hide myself, he crossed to the point its "too much effort, not worth the time"
    Manglex, jkjkjk182, Hash98 and 4 others like this.
  13. HappyShopper, PThaagard, roblikescake... 3 great EMC members. Gone.

    Happy's is just a temp. ban, though, so he'll be back in 8-9 hours time.
  14. Fixed it!
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  15. You guys googling him, made me curious if there was any info on me ... actually there was :p ... i checked and saw from a previous website i tried making but tried later closing ... and then planetminecraft ...

    Btw i also realized ... if roblikescake is getting 'i guess less popular' or however you want to put it ... what will people do with all those cakes? i know like, jennypoo and zoebear and few others have cakes on their res that he gave, just wondering will people start getting rid of them?
  16. Yeah, Happy isn't a bad guy.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  17. I only knew of lolcod, theafkguy because he was constantly abusing the Blaze grinder we used to have at the LLO. He would bring on an alt or two to spawn monsters non stop while his main killed them because he was focused on beating Leowaste in TEXP. He would even announce days that he would be planning to go to the grinder and for people not to bother him etc.

    Why anyone needs 7 accounts I will never know.
  18. Just thinking, wouldn't 7 accounts cost $140 dollars?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  19. Because he's a smeg :D
  20. I am shocked as to what these guys did.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
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