
Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by fighter_Ethan, Jan 17, 2022.

  1. New Forum Game!

    How this works. Comment here, saying whether or not you referred someone to this thread or found it on your own. The person who refers the most people to this thread wins!

    There's no deadline so you only get bragging rights, sorry!

    Example: I comment "Found this thread" and then I refer Aikar. Aikar then says, "Referred to this thread by fighter_Ethan." He then finds people to refer.

    Another rule is that you CANNOT post the link to this thread ingame. Happy gaming!
  2. Found this thread :p
  3. I found this thread. I might refer Merek if I seem in game later.
    Merek_Shadower and fighter_Ethan like this.
  4. found this one. Hmmm, sound hard. but i would like to try
  5. I found this thread and commented bc of The AncientTower :) Would've never seen it if it wasn't bumped by Wither
    AncientTower likes this.
  6. I have found this thread on my own time randomly looking in the forums XD
  7. Oh! This is that thread where if you mention someone's name and they post right after you win the prize that was chosen but never named leading to confusion about the prize that was never mentioned.

    Hey is that 607 coming around the thread ?
  8. Found this thread on the main EMC home page in the "Recently Active Threads" section that showed up cause AncientTower replied to this at 4:25. :p
    AncientTower likes this.
  9. You did not refer me here. :p Nobody did.
    AncientTower likes this.
  10. 607 sent me to this thread via a direct message, which I generally look at earlier than the regular messages on the forum. Sneaky. :p
    607 and AncientTower like this.