Rate the avatar of the person above you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mayorprofessor, May 12, 2014.

  1. 4/10 I dunno mang
    Monster_ likes this.
  2. 3/10 too purple
  3. 6/10 selfie!
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  4. the best of all selfies
    Nick, Chinny, Fendy and Demon as well as yours truly!

    6/10 I like horses
    PlayTehMinecraft likes this.
  5. 10/10 MLP. 5/10 screenshot.
    PlayTehMinecraft likes this.
  6. 8/10 very cute stocking yes
    oh please be nice this is my face I'm stuck with it
    Bro_im_infinite and kevdudeman like this.
  7. 2/5 IRL photos aren't good.
    (I'm worried about your identity)
  8. 1/10
    IRL pictures are awesome!
  9. How so?
    10/10 :D So beautiful Kura!
    kuraudochuu likes this.
  10. 7 if that was drawn by you
    PlayTehMinecraft likes this.
  11. Rating people

    for the reason why they rated the person before them is unfair (I feel like this is why you rated this way)

    Please rate x/10 not x/5

    8/10 like the way it looks.
    607 likes this.
  12. 4/10 too basic
  13. 9/10 or 4.5/5 because aligators. Ninja'd same thing because in game stuff.
  14. Omg much ninja and still 8/10
  15. still 9/10 caus' aligators.
  16. 7/10. I don't get your face.
  17. 8/10, I like spacey black hole things. :)
    607 likes this.
  18. Ooh, ice cubes. 9/10
    607 likes this.
  19. Space...
    10/25 :p
    Jk 11/10
    penfoldex likes this.