Rate the avatar of the person above you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mayorprofessor, May 12, 2014.

  1. 5/10 lol@the name, not too fond of the beiber fever haircut people take nowadays.

    Btw my avatar is jim carey ina tutu >_>
  2. 7/10
    bad quality
    but i don't blame you
    Brennian likes this.
  3. 7.777777777777/10 pretty cool! reminds me of this
    penfoldex likes this.
  4. 9/10 looks cool
  5. 9.14 out of 10 because cats are amazing and that one is cute. :p
    I need a new avatar of my own. >.<
  6. 7/10 Ice, ice baby
  7. 9/10 must be cold for you to wear that scarf
  8. 4/10, low-res and an XBL profile picture.
  9. 8/10 Purple :3
  10. Confusing 6/10
  11. 10/10 kitten, whats confusing about it then?
    Monster_ likes this.
  12. 6/10 what is going on in thiere
    Monster_ likes this.
  13. ^^^^^^^^^
    What he said
    607 and Brennian like this.
  14. 9/10 nice photo shooting/editing!
    Monster_ likes this.
  15. 10/10 for all the swag and dinosaur xD
    Monster_ and JZH1000 like this.
  16. 8/10 Save the polar bears !
    xothis_dwarf likes this.
  17. 6/10 still dont know whats going on there >_<
    Monster_ and Brennian like this.
  18. 8.3/10 Those glasses.....
  19. 5/10 not a whovian. Meh.