She is self-employed, and her job revolves around kids being out of school. I'll leave you to figure out what she works as and why this would decrease the quality of life in my family even further... I'll record the audio of my classroom from my phone and upload it to soundcloud or something and give it to guys. You will believe me when I do that... Trust me. Because the UK can afford to do that, and teachers definitely don't want to have a life either... Also the conservatives believe they'll win the election if they implement these changes. Nobody wants these.
Already interested and waiting Ofcourse they would be paid more, just afraid of the serious amount of burn-outs teachers are going to get. Which means that students/pupils are going to get really bored at school, DOING NOTHING AT ALL (yeah, you might slap me in the face with the fact that students/pupils could do some homework during that time, but i'm sure that would be eventually counterproductive) We have a few idiots around too, over here in The Netherlands
Sorry, I'm silly, I don't get what she works as. That will be one selected example of your classroom, I doubt an inspector would be able to determine whether the entire school is functional or not from that snippet. Also, that's one school in the entire country, others may work better, and school standards is a separate issue from school hours. I think this may be one of the issues of the increase in school hours; where are the Conservatives, who are committed to 'permanently lower spending' and getting rid of the deficit, going to find the money to pay for 3 extra hours of labour from almost every teacher in the country? I do not think that teachers will have any issue with 'not having a life', because if the Conservatives find some way to provide an acceptable wage, the benefits of the extra wage should be able to outweigh the cost; otherwise, teachers could work in 3-hour shifts throughout the day for increased flexibility, or those who dislike the new system could drop out altogether. That's another issue with the decreased accountability under First Past The Post.
In the USA more specifically, the St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) Middle AND High schoolers need to wakeup at 6 AM to get to school at 7. We already have 7 hour days, and in the high school's IB Programme they are making us do 3+ hours of homework every day.
Government changes like these take many years before they are implemented. You will likely have your own kids by the time the extended school day would ever be implemented. That is if it gets implemented, just now it is an idea by a back bench MP and has a lot of hurdles to cross before it even gets put to a parliamentary vote. The grading changes have been occurring since I was in school 20-cough years ago and is nothing new.
I don't really care if I do, to be honest. Plus, i'll probably cut it down to like, maybe 10 or 20 minutes out of the 7 hours I will record.
Seems to me that you are over reaction to this. As BigDavie said Meaning that this format is just an idea and still has to go through the right parliamentary procedures in the Uk. If it does happen Teachers will be pay for extra hours and this will reduce the amount of days a student goes to school in the total amount. Also keep saying Teachers won't have social life, I'm pretty sure they will on the weekends or some other holidays. Other thing is that you keep talking about you, how impacts your life, how it's unfair to you and not the general population of Uk which would be impacted by this change but back to what i said in the beginning " This is just idea that someone in Government has thought of and trying to get changed to that. In two weeks, a month or a year "The Idea" might be scraped because the lack of supporter it got.
This, 110%. Democratic governments do not legislate and execute policies for one person or a handful of people, but for the entire electorate. If the majority of people do not want these changes, they won't go ahead.
To get back to this, the idea is to actually increase the amount of days a student goes to school (9 hours a day, 45 weeks a year, so that would mean 45*5*9= 2025 hours a year, instead of 40?*5*7= 1400 hours a year).
No, wouldn't increase the days or shouldn't because most public school system have limited requirment of days meaning you can't go "can't go below X amount of days" and "can't go further X amount of days"
I have no idea how good the teachers are, in the UK. When I went through the school system in the USA, I would say about half are incompetent and have no grasp of the subjects they are teaching. But what do you expect when you pay teachers almost minimum wage? Supposedly the teachers are better paid now, but they are still bottom of the barrel. That being said, I look back on my school years fondly. In the workplace, unless you work in work Nirvana or something. It's about who you know and how handsome/pretty you are and if you are in the right clique. Be prepared to fix mistakes made by your idiot co-workers and bossed around by people who shouldn't have jobs in the first place. That's life.
I know all schools have minimum days, but I am not sure about maximum? I will get back to you guys on that soon.
Keep in mind i'm in the UK, while you and Dwight are in the US. The two education systems work completely differently.
Yha, I am looking both up In the US, their are minimum number of days, that is set by the state government. There are generally no maximums, although regular breaks are expected from students, parents and teachers (in theory) I couldn't find anything on the UK, but I assume you use the same structure for the "school board" as we call it across the pond, tough their are lots of articles out there about the topic of more school days. I think you may be getting too worked up over nothing, If the party pushing the situation wants to retain power, and popular opinion says agents it, they will most likely back off (In theory). In my town, they wanted to pass a law to ban any child under the age of 15 form using the local amenity (parks, the lake nearby, the town pool) without adult supervision. Guess what, we had a demonstration RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR WEEKLY MEETING. They backed off real quick. The moral of the story, LETS START A FIRE, I MEAN, RIOT -Twitch