journy map....and i have this other texture pack cant remenber the name Edit: it was farelight i think nope was faithful XP
This evening was great; my old time friend Epic_ARW came back online from the realms of the derelict Of course that also meant she basically lost all her stuff, but alas; nothing which my /vault couldn't help with (I currently have some iron to spare, so getting her out of the stone and into the iron age was not much of a problem). Next stop: mining! And I have to say it once again: group chat is just awesome. Supporter or not; you just head out and can talk to each other no matter where you are. Even between town & the wilderness. It. just. works. SO after 2 hours of mining (we lost track of time and overdid it a little bit) we were very happy to see this pop up all of a sudden: Unfortunately we still had some way to go; as you can see there were mobs just waiting for us. And unfortunately they sometimes work against each other (when a spider starts attacking a skeleton for example) but other times like to help each other out. That happened this evening when a skeleton shot my friend into an Enderman who immediately went ballistic Then when she finally got her stuff back a Creeper came along who I tried to shoot with my bow but... just too late. And when we were finally all settled (I put my stuff in a chest, grabbed hers, then we met at this place again and sorted it all out) it started to rain and a thunderstorm broke lose. They really wanted us dead But we made it! Next problem: getting my friend a new residence close to ours. We even managed to do that. So all that was left for her was to build a house. Well, fortunately my friend is a top builder who can finish a house in no time:
Just a newer pic of Autumn L., on her journeys through Eorzea, with her new friendly minion, Minigardsomr..
Ah, cruel fate! Fendy is a troll indeed... A dead troll. He better watch out, cuz karma can work two ways. *giggles evilly*
You know theres things called folders for putting those things? -Also- *saves* got the solution to your 1000th day maze now.