Random acts of digital kindness

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MajorHaze, May 21, 2017.

  1. So this thread can be for anyone to post on about digital acts of kindness. Like instead of using /dispose you simply set the items in a chest for others to have or in my case... Releasing horses into the waste for others to find.

    It was a very unsuccessful breeding hour. Nothing over 128 speed.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  2. I was on my way back from an end journey and came across another end city on my way back. Sweet! It has a ship! Flew up to the ship, got the head and elytra, and then saw a large pile of stuff.

    This stuff had the elements of a not-so-experienced-end-explorer. Something like 2 stacks of planks, some iron ore, 3 swords, and no armor. He had an elytra and some duration 1 fireworks. Instead of leaving it, or worse, taking it, I used some of his wood to make a chest which I put all of his stuff into, with a sign explaining it. Hopefully if he goes back he finds his stuff safe in the chest.
  3. I was out mining in a cave when I run into another player. He's new to Minecraft and EMC. I give him a 'hey there!' and back then I was a contributor, so I naturally offered my helpful services.

    "Well, there's one thing you can help me with." he typed into the chat. Intrigued, I pressed on. "I need to know which button I use to block with my sword. I have this diamond one and it took me a few hours to get but I dunno how to use it lol."

    We were stood in front of a lava pit, and he was stood on the other side looking across to me.

    "Press Q." I said.

    And so he did. His diamond sword fell into the lava. "Uhhh... what?"

    "Jump in and get it. I got the buttons messed up. It's actually left click."

    "How do you mix the Q key up with the... nevermind." He jumped into the lava to get his sword. Died. All of his food, his sword, and his armour burned. He left and never rejoined. I /p him every time I log in but to no avail. 500+ days since his first, and last log in.

    I don't know what scared him away from EMC, to be honest. He could have at least thanked me for letting him know you left click to block with a sword, and teaching him that this game is brutal and all about heavy loss and crushed dreams. This disrespect is part of what made me quit the Contribution Team back in August after two years in the team or four years if you count the Wiki's precursor. Like, omg, I offer my spare time to help people and people like this give nothing in return. Disgraceful.

    mandatory 'this is a joke'
  4. There was this one person who....hmm nevermind I can't think of any random acts of digital kindness that I have done....
    (no literally I cannot think of any xD please help me out people who know me, what have I done good?!?)
  5. u exist and bless us w/ ur gracious presence? :)))))
    607 and Lady_Eliza like this.
  6. Whenever I find a bunch of loot from some dead dude in my explorations (happens more often than you'd expect), I quickly make a chest that can contain it all after checking to see if they're nearby and dealing with what killed them. This way, the items won't despawn. Nothing hurts more than losing all the stuff you mined.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. After a waste reset, when I find an end portal I put the coords in public and fortify it so everyone can go to the end without having to find their own.
    AncientTower and Lady_Eliza like this.
  8. I too dump my failed breeds in to the wild. I have thought about doing a giveaway were I rename a horse and leave it on an island for someone to eggify and mail it back to me for a rupee prize or something. Anyways.... Here is my dumping grounds for all the failed breeds I have done lately... ALL THESE HORSES I DUMPED HERE....