{QUESTION} What is the worst thing that has happened to you in the wild?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Brisingr34, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. 2013-03-01_16.39.24.png

    D: well it happened again.... this time a pigman decided he liked my armor and godsword...........
    BilboBaggins23 likes this.
  2. LOL- I didn't even know they could put on armor.
  3. yeah *sigh* back to enchanting countless swords till a good one
  4. Just merge them together in an anvil.... And stop using ender pearls :p
  5. No this was no enderpearl, fighting a wither skelly and a stupid pigman got in my way and i was screwed
  6. Nice.
  7. well.... ive been enchanting for 10 mins and in 5 mins ill have a knock 2 fire 2 smite 5 sword...... just looting and unbreaking book
  8. After 2 Hours and 2K.....I present:
  9. I once was kicked for flying when I really was just walking on a bridge. The blocks must have not leaded for someone who saw me and thought I was hacking. I didn'y get in any trouble though, so it was okay.
  10. I died falling from my iron farm with god armor, god sword, god bow, god tools, and yeah ....
    I also made a lag machine using emc firework so i took it out but because i was lagging so much, i had to disonnect. I dropped my firework and i guess it dissapeared when i dced. (this was in town)
  11. If thats all....Wow have you seen some of these??? I lost 2 god swords someone lost 2 and half stacks of diamond ORE and nethers stars and crap. Your thing is pansies to me :D
  12. Thats misery right there folks! "lost a 20K firework and 35K armor and tools"
  13. I'm trying to remake it right now D:
  14. Died just as I was arriving at my wild base, only to respawn in town. 20 kilometers away.
    wassatthen and Creeper655 like this.
  15. Just because it's the worst, it doesn't mean it's bad. :p I just have the best luck.
  16. Travelled over 10,000 blocks to an outpost, got killed by a creeper at the outpost before I could get in a bed.
    Tried again to travel over 10,000 blocks to an outpost, got killed by lava before I could get in a bed.

    There was rage.
  17. I was wither skeleton hunting, and two noobs who shall remain nameless Mined the block under me, making me fall in to lava, and die. I lost the following:
    Sharp 5 loot 3 unbrk 3 fire aspect 2 diamond sword
    full prot 4 diamond armor
    3 wither skulls.
  18. worst thing ever, ehh. at a wild outpost (PAZZO FTW) and i died. i couldnt get back to the outpost because the bed had been BOOOMED by a darned creeper. NOOOOOOOOOO XD. and what did i have in my inv? 3 god bows. i'm talking over 4 enchantments here. all gone. FUUUUUUUUUUBAAAAA:mad:
  19. Approximate value: 40K.... Ouch.. Next time fire resist potions eh?
  20. That's like 20-25K ouch..... Gotta hate creepers