[Query] How do you customize your signature links?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by fighter_Ethan, Mar 3, 2022.

  1. Hey all, I tried to fit the whole question in the title but it'd be too long. :p

    How would I go about making my signature like, say, Eclipsys', where if you click a certain part of it, it takes you to a certain link? I hope this makes sense :)
  2. You split your image into multiple using an image editing tool. Then when making your signature add each image piece without spaces between them. Highlight each image and click the chain in the text editor to make it go to a link.

    This is what mine looks like in BB code form:
  3. Thanks so much!
    607 likes this.
  4. Looking good. :D
    It's a neat system, I wonder who was the first to do it! (on EMC, or in general!)
  5. which tool u are using to make forums signature?
  6. I'd say Paint.NET or GIMP would be good free tools for it. Paint.NET being easier to use, GIMP being more versatile. I'm not sure how to do the fancy text with shadows, though... maybe Paint.NET can't even do that.
    Perhaps Ethan and Lucky will let us know what they used. :)