Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Makrom1, Jan 27, 2012.


Do you think it´s a good idea?

Yes 12 vote(s) 19.4%
No 50 vote(s) 80.6%
  1. I don't think pvp is a good idea because most people seem happy without it and a lot of people come on this server because they aren't good at pvp. I think the guys who want pvp just want to kill other people and take their stuff, and that jut doesn't seem right to me.
    blenderbob089 and apamment like this.
  2. As my signature.
  3. Are you forgetting something? Shaun did the earth and an NPC replica. :p
  4. Uhhh, a project on the community lots (the big expanses of land in each town with nothing on), not a personal res project :)

    Are you forgetting something?!? He also did a planet with rings :p :p :p
  5. Nice! Where?
  6. 8005, smp4 :)
  7. Gata a brear idea yigitusta
  8. Thats a great idea yigitutsa
    Auto corrected
  9. Sorry, what, I fail to see your meaning here?

    *oh ok, got it now, please use proper english here :)*
  10. I was auto corrected
  11. Game will be better if there is a pvp arena, players buy 30 rupee ticket and fight each other in arena, winner gets diamond, this would be great.
  12. I vote yes And no, I think we should be able to "pvp" one another if both players consent, Like a dueling system but everywhere, If two people were to say "lets have a duel" and both agreed using some kind of /command then they would fight until one person has one heart left, and then the player with more health would win. I dont like killing or bullying that can be exploited from Pvp servers.
  13. That's a good idea too, or people can open pvp in their res by /res set pvp true then when other players want to enter that residence game should ask "This residence has pvp, are you sure want to enter this residence?" this is an another alternative.
  14. PvP would only be fun IF:

    Two or more factions/teams
    The world is the battle ground
    Spawns are located in friendly areas
    And you're fighting for territory

    PvP on Minecraft has so much potential to be good, it really does. I think the idea of building your own fortifications with your team, or sapping forts, or assaulting defended forts would be tons of fun. But not enough people play this way; some don't even find it fun. As such, and I'm sure we've heard this many times before, "PvP is just people running around in diamond armor and.."blah blah blah.
    So no, there will be no PvP (at least for a long time) on EMC. Bothering the staff about it isn't going to bring it here any quicker.
  15. that would be epic yigi!
  16. Pvp for me, is utter stupidity. I've always hated it. Doing my own thing and BAM I've just been killed by a raging moron with a full set of diamond. I think EMC stands out because we don't do any sort of pvp what attracts a lot of players liking the idea that they can roam freely without the thought of getting killed by a player.

    We have more creativity and fun coming through instead of pointless killing, Ranting, Nonsense arrangement's and trust me, I've been through it all and it was not fun at all.
    MR2R2M and nnnnmc1 like this.
  17. The problem is people will leave the server
  18. People leave the server all the time you cannot stop that everyone has there own ideas about it, But i think more of the Vets of EM will possibly leave due to this server from what i know so far hasn't been a full on pvp.
    MR2R2M and ISMOOCH like this.
  19. Well what I'm getting at is that people will leave more often.
  20. Arena like the nether spleef woupd be cool.
    At nether spleef u also die. Dig the hole for the other guy to fall and die in lava.
    That's partially pvp
    Ryukk132 likes this.