[ PROJECT ] Atomic Bomb

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Sepp_, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Welp, the nub king has lost his mind :p
    SepTheKid likes this.
  2. You should pay a staff to do a world edit for it
  3. should but can't
  4. were is the best place to donate?
  5. I'll be watching this grow.
  6. /v +AtomicFund - /SMP4
  7. Dear god, I just saw this.

    I am very frightened. Hopefully it won't blow up nearby plots.
    SepTheKid likes this.
  8. donated 2.5 stacks of gunpowder :)
    SepTheKid likes this.
  9. It won't, I know the whole area of plots over there so I turned TNT flag off

  10. I really want to be there when this happens.
    SepTheKid likes this.
  11. bought enough gunpowder to fill my inventory and donated it (36 stacks) :p
    SepTheKid likes this.
  12. I will be notifying everyone who posts on the thread when this happens plus all donators that haven't posted anything

    Thank you for donating! I appreciate this
  13. I cant wait for this to happen
  14. Progress picture? :D
  15. I'll get one soon, not in town atm
  16. Cant wait Sep. I may need a new computer after it goes off, but it is worth it. :p
    SepTheKid likes this.
  17. You should rename this to "Manhattan Project"
  18. I agree :3
  19. Bump!
    Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it!