[ PROJECT ] Atomic Bomb

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Sepp_, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. that can be possible but it will crash most of the people online on smp4, likely even crash their computers...

    everything is off, I even got aikar to fix something that could have made it go boom
    HannahEB likes this.
  2. Do you have a date and time when you will be setting it off?
  3. I wondering what this was. I ran into it when walking around SMP4. Amazing thing your doing here, the amount of TNT is "mind blowing".
    607 and SepTheKid like this.
  4. Thanks, it sure is mind blowing ;)
    Shadow_dcord likes this.
  5. I'll check and see how much available gunpowder/tnt I have and drop it off later :)
    SepTheKid likes this.
  6. Well, I had an extra DC of gunpowder, where do you want me to drop it off?
    SepTheKid likes this.
  7. I might save up some sand a Gunpowder for ya! I mine aswell because i dont use it ever xD
    Welp ima start collecting soon.
    SepTheKid likes this.
  8. Suggestion: Put a single block of obsidian in the middle and see if anything happens to it.
    Dufne likes this.
  9. okay
  10. bump for 2016!
  11. :confused: wow, thats insane lol Good luck!
    SepTheKid likes this.