Pride Month 2019

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by SageCREEPER, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. Just a question for staff; will anything be done in June 2019 to celebrate Pride?
    Jelle68 and Windylava like this.
  2. Guess not lol, too busy with other stuff I guess. It was a good suggestion tho!
  3. Even tho there is no reply yet, there is enough time until June 2019 for staff to come up with something :)
  4. I don't know if there will be, and even suspect there will be not, but I do know there should be.
  5. To reiterate and clarify on what ThaKloned posted above:

    Staff aren't going to say whether or not something will happen, because we honestly don't know yet. I have only just now finished (mostly) plans for what is going on for the holidays and New Years. We generally don't put forth effort to the next celebration/holiday/etc until much closer to the date. At that time, we will reference the promo suggestion database, sometimes looking back years in the logs of suggested items/holidays. Then, we make a decision and go with it.

    So the reason I didn't post on this thread earlier is because I don't have an answer. I don't have any plans as of this point, but I also don't have any plans for Valentines, Easter, etc either. June is a long way away in my book.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.