[POLL] EMC Mini-Boss Smackdown

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Impulsive_Egg, May 26, 2020.


Who is hardest to kill?

Sorgina 4 vote(s) 25.0%
Marlix 5 vote(s) 31.3%
Momentus 1 vote(s) 6.3%
Eyender 6 vote(s) 37.5%
  1. Who is the Ultimate EMC miniboss?

    I was inspired to make this discussion when, last night, I had a run-in with Sorgina. I died at least 7 times. Friends came to help (Thank you Waffle, Duck, and Carconductor!) and we finally were able to take her down. But BOY was it a right pain in the bum!

    The question I am asking is:
    In your personal opinion/experience, which custom EMC miniboss is the hardest to kill?

    In my own experience I think the custom bosses hardest to kill (From least to most difficult) are:
    - Momentus
    - Eyender
    - Sorgina
    - Marlix

    Feel free to make your own takes on this discussion, and please share your own experiences with these minibosses!
  2. Momo. Definitely the most difficult.
    (disclaimer: never have actually fought any of the minibosses)
    jewael_king and Impulsive_Egg like this.
  3. Why do you say momo? I've always had the easiest experiences with him so I'm jw
    ThaKloned likes this.
  4. I've been making an updated report about most of the enraged mobs and bosses on EMC over the last few weeks. I'm planning to submit to the Contrib Leaders soon but here's my rankings after I've died sooo many times. (Also I never got to kill Sorgina because of her stupid healing abilities but shh ;))

    Least Difficult

    • His teleporting abilities are annoying but he's not too hard to kill. His guardians are the easiest to fight. The lack of ranged attacks is quite frustrating but a good sword will kill him in no time.

    • Her potion attacks are funny because she can harm herself with her Potions of Lingering while also having to heal herself in the process, giving you time to kill her. Her cats are really fast and behave in interesting ways than other guardians. The enraged cats seem to dash forward at you and then run away so you can't kill them.
    • I was too lazy to continue killing her because it just took forever to damager her health bar while she would continue healing like crazy

    • His 'orbs' are an interesting mechanic I haven't really figured out yet but his guardians are really dangerous. Even if they aren't instantly aggressive based on your /ps, if you accidentally hit them since Eyender keeps teleporting, you might aggro his guardians and then there goes your chance at killing Eyender. I kinda wish Eyender was the only one with teleporting abilities to make all the bosses stand out and be more individually unique.

    • Lower difficulty seems easier but as soon as you get 7+, Marlix is unstoppable. One, he flies around. Two, he summons extra guardians that also make you split focus between two fronts (one in the air and some on the ground so now you are fighting skeletons on the ground while attempting to shoot Marlix in the air). His arrows do SO much damage and his splitting shots are extremely painful.
    • Obviously, this boss can be killed much faster if you trap him in a house but if it's a Plains biome, good luck
    Most Difficult

    I was also wondering if anyone knows how these bosses summon additional guardians? Is it based on /ps difficulty?
    One time, I fought Eyender with only a maximum of two guardians and then he had like 7 or 8 the next time? And Sorgina with like 15+ cats is scary

    Also since when was Eyender able to have like 20+ floating orb things? :p
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  5. Marlix is quite the tough cookie... killing him is always a challange.
  6. I think Eyender for sure is one of the mini bosses I hate to kill for they seem to kill me almost everytime
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  7. Eyender, bar none.
  8. Eyender is a bit buggy right now, I think making him the current second place most difficult boss. He can enter proteced outposts chasing you and pull you out of protected areas and even across worlds. You have to log out or switch smps to escape him. I say second most difficult, because if you're unlucky enough to come across a still existing BlizzArd, you'll see what a nightmare they currently are: constantly teleporting every few seconds, seeing you through blocks, hiding inside blocks, chasing you into protected areas. Also, boss bars and fog will stay onscreen even after you teleport away.
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  9. "Even if they aren't instantly aggressive based on your /ps"
    Well that's a bug. All guardians should be aggressive.

    Have to say it puts a smile on my face about Sorgina. I was worried she would be too easy.
  10. Sorgina and her magical angry cats of doom. She somehow used a spell on those cats to be perfect killing machines.
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  11. Yeah honestly Sorgina's healing is broken as h*ck!

    OH MY GOD I forgot about Blizz Ard!!!

  12. And technically the Super Turkey is also a mini mini boss lol
  13. I would have to say sorgina there’s no trick to beating her unlike eyender. Eyender is quite easy if you know the right strategy even possible to solo diff 10 him
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  14. Usually what I do with Eyender is I let him teleport me and then walk backwards and smack him, rinse, and repeat.

    With Sorgina, all you do is smack her and pray to your god