[Poll] Do you (/have you) support(ed) the Empire?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Mar 4, 2017.


Do you/have you support(ed) the Empire? (iron/gold/diamond)?

Poll closed Mar 18, 2017.
Yes 43 vote(s) 91.5%
No 3 vote(s) 6.4%
I like pizza! 1 vote(s) 2.1%
  1. Waiting for more of jack's streams so I can get more vouchers :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. Before I was green, I paid monthly for gold. :)
  3. So there I was. Hanging around on my very first res on SMP4. All of a sudden, my neighbor moved out. I liked the res number - it's palindromic (If you have never seen my posts on auction threads, let's say I have an affinity for palindromes and primes). I had already started to build on my current res - so I didn't want to /unclaim it. Going for the gold was the best way to secure that plot.

    I like the way the second res turned out.