
Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by TheGelb, Jun 20, 2012.


where do you get the plot map

Youtube 8 vote(s) 42.1%
a website 15 vote(s) 78.9%
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  1. so that means i'm 52 :p (not actually 52)
  2. Haha. That would make me 32.
  3. That would make me 100
  4. lol why you no advertise plotme?
  5. Well this thread is from June and i have one thing to say. Why did you bump this
  6. ...Bump much?....
  7. is it a rule that i cant? lol if there was why dont they make it so no one can type a message within like 30 days of inactivity
  8. It is considered impolite to bump old threads.
  9. well sorry but im not a polite person :p only when i have to be but you gotta understand, THIS IS THE INTERNET
  10. A valid point. But this is a polite community, and we'd appreciate if you don't bump again. Thanks!:p
  11. i wont i didnt know. :p
  12. No prob, now let's hope a moderator closes this thread. It's a ZOMBIE!!!
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  13. i like how you didn jump my s*** like the other guys. lol
  14. A very old one at that.
  15. SoulPunisher likes this.
  16. Uh... it should HAVE TOLD you that you were about to bump a 2 month old thread......
    SoulPunisher and jkjkjk182 like this.
  17. This thread is very old, and in most cases it is rude to "bump" it again.
    Consider starting a new thread instead.
    That's what it says on the bottom of old threads -_-
    IamSaj, Dwight5273 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  18. I feel that there is only one way to describe the first page of this thread. Derp.
    Instead of an image, please enjoy my replacement for a derp. 5 derps!
    Dwight5273 likes this.
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