Please dont hate me for this: drastically lower entity limits in town

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by MmarkM, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. Hi EMC, we have updated to 1.15 and it's amazing! There's so much more to do, and alot of people have been doing these things. However, the lag its causing is a serious problem. Smp3 has been unplayable for alot of the time the last week or 2, among other servers. Staff has done an amazing job of trying to fix things to improve the conditions for all of us. That being said, there's still more they could do to help us all. So with that out of the way, here's my suggestion: lower entity limits in town to 20 or less entities
    Villagers are causing alot of lag. With the improved ai behavior of 1.15. They must work, gossip, sleep, breed, get scared (or attempt to do these things) every day. In town, the odds of alot of entities being loaded at the same time is much higher than in the frontier. Some people have 40 or more villagers on their res, next to thousands of hoppers or auto sorters, all contributing to lag. As a result, staff has attempted to fix lag by reducing activation distance of villagers, which makes breeding them, setting up trading halls and iron farming much much harder to do.
    Villagers are just one aspect though . Along with the long nosed annoying fellows, we have huge melon and pumpkin farms in town as well, as an emerald source. This compounds the lag problem even more. If these types of operations were moved to the frontier, the odds of them being loaded by other players is much much less, and afk players get kicked when server lags or it's too busy, so the entities should be causing much less lag for us all . The thousands of animals in town also would be drastically reduced with this change.
    I understand it's a big change. I farm things too, and love the convenience of having everything within arms reach on my res. But I dont like having things that easy at others expense, and I think this change would get more people out into the wild, doing minecrafty things. So share your thoughts, but please be kind
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  2. Fix the problem, not lower entity limits! 20 entity limits, haha... then my 3000 days on EMC will stay 3000 days.

    250 wild and 100 town is a minimum needed as i see it without limit the players possibilities for playing minecraft normally.
  3. As MaCPRO said, EMC already places so many limits on the capabilities of farms. We can't have any more.
    EquableHook and MaCPR0 like this.
  4. There wouldn't be limits on them if they were in the wild. It would just be spread out more so that 17 different farms weren't all going at 1 time on the same plot. Plus, then maybe iron farms and villager ai could be set back to normal
  5. Nah, I have no issues with farms in town. They're fine as is
    EquableHook likes this.
  6. Welcome to modern Minecraft. Aikar has already pointed out, in many other threads, that it's the sloppy code and management of said code in modern versions of Minecraft.

    He's made some improvements, and they are felt server-wide, but even then, to cover everything and make it run like 1.12.x would be near impossible.
  7. Over the weekend there were hundreds of comments on game about lag making servers unplayable. Seems everyone wants to have the best of both worlds, no lag and all the great features were used to, but with 1.15 it's very tough to make that happen. And rather than wait 20 seconds for a chest to open, or break the same block 3 times before it stays broke, I'd rather be proactive and make the server better for us all. Seems I'm a minority
  8. Entity counts are not the main issue of lag, as I just said, even Aikar himself said it's the fact that 1.15 has horrible code management and execution of such code. Not only that, but let's be real here, 1.15 is exponentially larger than 1.12.x

    It has extra "baggage" that 1.12.x did not have. You cannot make a direct comparison between the two versions, apples and oranges man.
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  9. I think none of this except the first nine words contributes to your point. That is, assuming you are disagreeing with Mmark. Mmark acknowledges that 1.15 is slower than 1.12, and thus he would like to compensate for it somehow. And what do you mean with not being able to compare 1.12 and 1.15? You just did, in the same post. :p

    Anyway, I hope this wouldn't be needed! Let's wait a month or two, the developers might be able to improve the situation without such undesired limitations. :)
  10. On the note of limiting entities, tbh the primary item needing limitation right now is the use of hoppers. We don't want to put in official limits, but if you have a design using THOUSANDS of hoppers, please scale it down. We've been working to manually track down coords in the wild/town worlds that have these massive lag spikes and talking with owners to get these taken care of, but this takes a lot of effort and staff time to investigate. Yes, 1.15.2 code is sloppy, as Aikar said and that's a part of the problem, but if we can fix the parts we know of, it will help immensely and possibly keep us below the lag level.

    As for non-hopper items that need some scaling down in the community, and which we've fixed some underlying issues like entity activation ranges with, bees and villagers are the most taxing. So if you can, please scale back using these to the maximum ability. Like I mentioned, we don't want to put in more limits, but when one player is using 40% of the server resources, that's just selfish when there are plenty others who want to enjoy their time on the server.

    Overall think of all the little details that 1.13 - 1.15 brought in. Bee mechanics, villager thought complications, underwater kelp particle effects, etc. Those improvements are going to require resources to render and if we have too many going at once, it's going to cause some lag. These changes weren't made with multiplayer in mind, and especially not large servers. Each player can only be using so much of the resources at a time, or problems like lag develop.
    HazardousCode and 607 like this.
  11. This whole idea came from earlier this morning, speaking with a staff member. Following vanilla mechanics, I spent hours creating a villager breeder and small personal iron farm at an outpost. This was done in separate areas, so the entity count always stays low and no big groups of machines are ever running at the same time. I was informed that villagers will not work unless we are within 6 blocks, effectively nerfing the hours put into the farm. I understand the why and have great appreciation for staffs hard work, but I cant help but feel a bit frustrated that such an intrinsic part of the game has been nerfed. I was told it may be temporary and wasnt done to break the farms, but to reduce lag. So that's what lead to this thread
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  12. You don't think entity caps of 20 is breaking an intrinsic part of the game?
    607 likes this.
  13. No. Town itself, and all its perks, is not vanilla minecraft. If you go in the wild, spread out some of the things causing lag, and the game experience is better for everyone. And entity limits wouldn't change there. As I said before, the point of this would be for the greater good. Kryssy basically said too much in 1 place at the same time is causing lag. I'm simply proposing that its spread out so less things are loaded at once, and the game mechanics would revert back to vanilla
    607 likes this.
  14. For the entity range of villagers do you know how many blocks it is now? Or is that a number that isn't being released at this time.
  15. MmarkM mentioned 6 blocks. As far as I'm aware, that's what I was told too, but a lot has been going on so it's best a developer clarifies.
    607 and EquableHook like this.
  16. I hope this is temporary. I've spent the last year and a half, on two projects that don't work at this time.:(
    With that said, I'll be patient. But it's hard not to be disappointed when I'm at my base and see it's broke.
  17. Note that some changes are just because of the 1.15 update. So some temporary, but some not.
    PetezzaDawg and luckycordel like this.