Hey EMC! As some people know I am addicted to Overwatch so I thought I would post a thread where we can discuss the game and talk about each other's ranks and levels and who they like to play and maybe we can also show some awesome play of the games that you may have gotten As you can see currently when this thread is posted I am level 364 My current rank in season 4 is 3314 with the highest of 3385 These are the characters which I main in quick play
If you're interested Jeff Kaplan did an AMA on Reddit, which is quite interesting https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/5yj2zk/ama_request_jeff_kaplan/dew2nf6/
I love playing overwatch, I'm a hanzo main. I get a lot of criticism for that from my friends mostly because they think he is "useless" but his alt is devastating if used correctly
I play a fair amount of Overwatch too, as a Symmetra main I do get criticized a lot for playing a character who doesn't need to aim. I'm a gold player, I don't do tons of comeptitive, mostly getting my 10 placements in and playing a few games afterwards. If you want to play send me a friend request at Shadow #1766, you will need to be on NA of course.
I get triggered when I'm playing widow and a Hanzo just shoots arrows in my general direction and one hits me, while I have to get a shot on a tiny head from far away :/
IM the same but kinda opposite, I hate when trying to line up a headshot on a widow and she gets a lucky headshot on me
I love playing Hanzo as I find him fun to play, however he can be countered quite easily My current desktop background are also this
What of I told you all that Bastion is voiced by the most famous voice actor Blizzard entertainment has ever had in their whole entire history? It's no joke.
B4DMAN5IMON and I like to set up a "Hook'm & Cook'm" place where we drag them in as roadhog and I turret the crap oughta them as symmetra.
Symmetra is one of my least favorite players to play against, her speed and instant lock on destroy me Yeah once I get my new computer set up I'll let you know
My brother talks about this game all the time. He plays it, but I don't. I have some interest in "Overwatch", but I haven't gone down to settle in. There's an unbelievable precision of detail, when it comes to balancing in this game, as well as very open-minded developers who'll use player feedback to aide in further improving game balance. -- Although, there has been lately an on-going debate on whether or not Hanzo and Bastion are too powerful, due to some buffs.