Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NaughtyKoala, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Bananaing

    (Everything from page 1 - 15)
    One upon a time there was a pig named stew and his other
    name was Fifi. Doctor is a chartreuse who went to the pig
    kisser's and flew into a skyscraper full of cows and fell off
    a ledge several times. Then it hit big diamonds then
    nfell2009 pancaked and Chinky socks. When I killed myself
    yesterday before we had another ultrablaster that died
    during the awesome dance battle which was on Monday
    morning at the place 12:00PM. But then Ultimamaxx got
    pascal1881 pregnant and he swam to Carthaga for vacation to
    have stuff to like play icehockey canadian style. Peoples large
    bellies swelled up like slimes tied ruari342 to a wall no joke
    that is stupid just wait like so impatiently. Uh why not
    gobble up little bites of Ultimamaxx and Ultimamaxx died
    before because he was a piggy and noobs like colepuncher
    are dumbly cool. Ultimamaxx is a liar just kidding colepuncher
    rules over EMC jk not. Banta wat did it was kewl explosion
    Aphaea became ugly no Nyancat can kill himself he cooks
    played shouted minecraft is cool said microsoft is evil so apple
    breathtakinly awkward when you find your diamond supporter
    exploded. There was a chicken that crossed lava into the
    endless pit for tasty fried death and potatoes yum. It sang
    another musical man called Yolo. He didn't wash the car so she
    got mad and crashed in a plane and finally a angry Bloodra1n
    decided that his life will be weird so he married pizza
    Steve and had a potato baby with squrrel. The tentacles came
    out to a rave party so Bloodra1n ate a pickle and cried for
    hours then died. Resurrection then some cherubic deed was
    had to be full of sand. The crazy hobo was eating more
    squirrels as she died.

    (Hopefully will edit more :D)

    PAGES 16-30

    But resurrection happend and testman12345 died and
    colepuncher double awesome tenatively posted thrice JK and
    lied to aikarabout explosions causing dandruff. Aikar
    murdered all the tiny sheep because sickness infected their
    brains. Eventually all of sheeps became kewl chairs.
    Thirstymoose was posting evily snide as he died NUU was
    cried out for hours after sunday when 8comimi said
    TTMOF and Rainbowchin died then kissed Maxarias on SMP6
    and shot Dragonhawk32 with lucky bow then died. Aikar
    died because bad SEPTHEKID killed him. Maxarias also went
    annoying NathanRP killed AlexHallon someone who dramatized
    colepuncher who cooked hockey pucks colons when Equinox_Boss
    cried hourly died said man. Poseidon kicked Rainbowpony in to
    a cloud ponies. Squids ugly fat jk squids fat like
    supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus chicken Finchy with squids
    punching squids however squids decided that something died.
    Squids licked the couch. Squids discombobulate random chairs
    since they ate fried Aikar for no mans land reason because
    he was a reindeer who hated testman12345 because he
    wouldn't sing FDNY21 crappy little song which was just stupid
    & bad. Testman12345 hated Rainbowpony1000 but secretly
    loved FDNY21 and ponies but pink took all her awesomeness
    and pooped on Testman12345's new mouth guard but squids
    punched squids in squids fat equable oversized nyan squid cake
    but Testman12345 died yet died and Rainbowpony1000 was
    so awesome that awesomeness was not awesome butt
    rainbowpony1000 ate poisonous potatoes but she didn't last
    thirty nanoseconds however yoctometres heard that
    Testman12345 ate disgusting poop and smiled evily at deem
    while when brttmeow sat down on colepuncher eating
    steak and steak. TechNinja_42 was finally dying in pie that
    ate TechNinja_42 although colepuncher awesomely colepuncher
    awesomedood just devoured Aikar but joe devoured twerking
    Hashhog3000 /twerk to failed cole killled stampy.
    607 and TromboneSteve like this.