[Old Thread] Mob Arena

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Maxarias, Dec 4, 2012.

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  1. Time to try my luck again...even though I already know I probably won't win. :p
  2. Congratz nickjwolfe for winning the first round. Way to go!
  3. I told you so! D:
    Maxarias likes this.
  4. Sorry guys I will have to cancel today's mobarena, I can't connect to smp5.
    Might do one tomorrow instead.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  5. Looks like all the servers may be having problems, Very low player numbers atm only 26 out of all servers. Edi
  6. I believe the lag tsunami is fixed now, but I don't know if that will affect your connecting problem
  7. A rescheduled mob arena starts in 18 minutes. :)
  8. Yet again I will miss it -_-

  9. May day, we're having a Mob Arena today.
    jacob5089, jkjkjk182 and chickeneer like this.
  10. Are the stated times the set times for every single mob arena from now on?
  11. Probably not,
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  12. i'm excited though worried cause it's about 30mins away from showtime
  13. Gosh no... Not the pigmen...
  14. Today I will be hold the usual Mob Arena at 8pm UK time, but there will be an added bonus.
    After the two rounds I will fight 100 withers with no mod powers.
    I will be kitted up in the best gear (full Diamond Armour with Protection IV, Thorns III, Unbreaking III along with a Diamond Sword with Smite V, Fire Aspect II, Knockback II and Unbreaking III).
    Now before I start I will give everyone a book & quill. Each player is to title the book with the number of withers they think I will vanquish (last week I only killed 19 but previously I killed 51), sign the book then drop it on the mob arena fight floor. After I have been defeated (or killed the 100 withers, ha!) I will announce how many I defeated (based on how many /slaughter command kills) before I check to see if anyone guessed correctly. The player who guessed correctly (or closest) will win a vault voucher worth 10,000r. In the case of a tie I will randomly select between players with randomizer.org.
  15. Well. I got second on the guessing but ended up getting the prizes. Thanks Myeno! And nice job Davie, for killing all the withers!
  16. Killed all the Withers, used 9 enchanted golden apples, my boots and helmet was destroyed, the chest and leggings only had a sliver of durability left.
    Myeno guessed I would kill them all (but joked that it would be with commands), she kindly allowed the prize to pass onto the second closest who was penfoldex with a guess of 88.
  17. So... Mob Arena tonight?
    ( ・ω・)
  18. I honestly cannot read this with a straight face......
    You have scarred me.

    (Go win for me cause I can't be at this one :p )
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  19. Tonight a Mob Arena will be held..
    Will YOU participate in this event?
    Time: Mondays 8:00 pm BST / Wednesdays 9:30 pm EST (Times subject to change)
    Two rounds will be held.

    Server: SMP 5.

    Information about the Mob Arena;
    • There is NO PVP allowed.
    • Monsters will keep spawning until there is only one person left on the battle floor. That person will be the victor.
    • All items dropped on the battle floor will automatically go into the winners' chests, including player dropped items, so do not try to trade on the battle floor.
    • Trying to hide in corners will get a Wither spawned around, or over you. It is best to advise other players to not hide in the corner, if you wish to not have a Wither in the Arena.
    • Trying to cheat, and hide in the doors/sneak into the mob arena will get you teleported back to town, and could possibly prevent you from ever participating in any Mob Arena in the future.. So don't do it, it's not smart.
    The winner of the Arena may request to fight a Wither by them self, with no other mobs spawned, in order to obtain a star. If a player has previously won an Arena that day/night, player will not receive star, but can still fight Wither.

    End of the Month MAW Rules;

    • On this night, normal rules go out the window. This night only happens on the last (Usually) Wednesday of the Month.

    • The Winner is not chosen until all Waves are defeated, and there is only one standing.

    • Standing in the glass doors, and trying to sneak into the Arena towards the end will get you banned from the Mob Arena Residence.. That means you won't even be able to watch.

    • As always, there is NO PVP.

    • Trying to hide in corners will get you extra attention.. Meaning lots of mobs will be spawned on you.

    • Monsters will keep spawning in Waves until there is a single person left.
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