Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. Scribbled out her face or she watched The Ring tape.....
    ChickenDice and Xinn like this.
  2. that is great olaf
  3. I chose the answer that made me look like a better person
    tedrocker, 607, mba2012 and 1 other person like this.
  4. Always interesting to see how our respected members look IRL. Most of the time it is completely against our expectations. I feel like I should once post, but I'm too ashamed of how I look. Ah, I shouldn't care. We'll see, maybe, once. Just maybe.
    kyukyu99, Pab10S, Olaf_C and 2 others like this.
  5. I'm trying to find a good photo of me to post. Expect that process to take many years :p
    Olaf_C, 607, Jakres and 3 others like this.
  6. How to train your pet dragon beard & hat?
  7. I've never seen that movie.
  8. I always have felt slightly conscious about my face, but the people on EMC are none to judge (desides dwight, but he only judges things in the background). I am not that proud of my appearance either, but I think it is a cool think to do anyways. We know people and their actions via ones and zeros, but who is the face behind those actions? I am extremely curious to see what you look like :)
    FDNY21, Palmsugar, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  9. This.

    I am always nervous about posting pictures because I have always been on the larger side, my nose is extremely asymmetrical (brit threw a hammer) and I also look like my dad, right down to his wavy hair and front teeth gap, all make me nervous about posting because they are all very obvious in photos, plus I can't take a very flattering photo with me holding the camera. I post and nobody has said anything bad about any of the photos I've posted. I very much doubt you will be judged on how you look. I am also sure there are a lot more self-conscious people here besides Olaf and I who have overcame their fear and posted.
    FDNY21, Palmsugar, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  10. Thank you both <3
  11. I texted him because I thought I'd recognized him but I wasn't sure and wanted clarification.

    He was eating dinner with his family, so I didn't want to be rude and interrupt his family. Walk up and be like "Hi I'm someone your son plays on the computer with, I'm here to say hi." His dad would probs be liek. (Calls 911, "Hi their is a stalker here who followed my son to Fortinos.")
  12. Not posted on Show Yourself in quite a while, thought I'd bring my new account here :3

    Attached Files:

    cadenman2002, 607, mba2012 and 4 others like this.
  13. Besides, us Canadians are to polite to interrupt someone when they are doing something. :)
    TechFilmer likes this.
  14. Anony, that is a beautiful picture. PLZ MORE PICZ
  15. Thanks Cole x$ And we'll have to see :p
  16. Hmm should I post on the next one... (If there is one? :confused:)
    Deadmaster98 and mba2012 like this.
  17. The staff confirmed there will be a 2015 show yourself, but it will not be posted by icc.
    607, Todd_Vinton and sambish20 like this.
  18. Well that's obvious :p
  19. I have a new mug for my coffee
  20. image.jpg

    My older sister and I arriving at Colorado.. Going be fun & wild 9 days..... :D:D
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