Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. I am pretty sure that 90% of the population that drives through Atlanta, but doesn't live there, thinks that the roads are a problem as is lol.
    607, Gadget_AD, penfoldex and 3 others like this.
  2. unnamed.jpg
    Getting ready to go somewhere..
    and picture little rough lol
    EVERWIN67, 5weety, cutejuliew and 9 others like this.
  3. image.jpg (Brisbane-city in Australia):p
  4. PlayTehMinecraft and EVERWIN67 like this.
  5. As a "Southern person" I would just like to point out that, we don't prepare for snow or ice in any form. We rarely get any snow so why worry about it in the long run? You northern people buy better tires for the snow and what not. When Northern people buy tires they prepare for the snow they are going to have to drive on, we dont worry about that because the south is like hot, hot, hot hot, and hot all the time, last year I started to sweat in December. Also I would like to say the snow and such we are getting now is wet snow (meaning its wet and slick and freezes easy) northern people are having a lot of dry snow at the moment (meaning its soft and dry and easy to drive on) so when we go driving were pretty much driving on ice and wet snow meaning x2 slickness.

    When i go to buy tires, I think to myself, "Will these get me through mud, gravel, dirt roads and horse pies the Amish leave on the road?"
  6. when i said excited ... i meant it was excited.. meaning HAPPY that it showed up. almost all my friends in the lower parts of the us were excited as in happy, dancing about screaming YAY CHARLIE SNOW :p
    the excited comment wasn't saying the other way around. -.-

    everyone, go do this. lol
  7. Good
  8. Since about December, yes, december

  10. Hehe, just derping like his older brother :D.
    So yeah my little brother took some pics with my crapy iPhone 5. Still he could derp, he has the derp inside him :D.
    CaziCookie, CoolCal14 and 607 like this.
  11. Hurry someone help me right side up
    margaritte likes this.
  12. Proof that you dun focus in class but you take selfies instead #GoingtohavetoMotheryouagainwhenyougethome.
  13. Here's me doing a snow angel in only shorts...
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  14. Page not found:p
    CaziCookie and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  15. Got my new glasses today :D

    And of course my hair decides to look terrible
    CaziCookie, melk73, Gadget_AD and 6 others like this.
  16. Isn't that awesome, hair that chooses what to do itself?
  17. Indeed, it is true. Mine likes to do what it wants too :p
    Jcplugs and 607 like this.
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