Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. Unless you live in Tallahassee you don't gotta worry about scary ole bite.
  2. oh yay!!! hi :D

    awww man i would have been there but work and school is a poop :/
  3. [._________.]
  4. Gotta catch em all, pink name doe, no. Bite... get a hair cut, hurf and his durfing cat, Cactus..., moarz pokesmons, Horse kick
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  5. You used to take him seriously...?
    607, Olaf_C, Jcplugs and 1 other person like this.
  6. no.

    ^pretend is quote of dedprezidant

    No to what? That's how I always look. Sometimes.
    DeadPresident likes this.
  7. That's one saucy beard you got there
  8. o good i'm not there..
    kuraudochuu likes this.
  9. Never show my face...
  10. You have been warned...
  11. tempted.
  12. care to explain? :p
  13. ?
  14. Never really talked to him properly. So now I know definitely not too.
  15. Change your mind, bite is one of the most fun loving people I have ever seen on EMC.
    kuraudochuu, mba2012 and marine4121 like this.
  16. He screams in mumble ears..
  17. Hmmmm...
    I'll have to catch up with him sometime.
    I don't even know what mumble is...
    *waits for everyone to start saying "Whut"*
  18. If you go click the [More] tab at the top ... there is a link for mumble there ... it's a voice chat.
  19. Oh, thanks :D
    eklektoi likes this.
  20. shhh tooooo many people.... Will know....
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