Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. image.jpg

    Damien and mommy playing in his ballpit for His birthday :)
    AliceF3, dresden72, 607 and 4 others like this.
  2. Take her to a therapist immediately, we don't want her condition to get worse. If you don't act quick, she will soon enter the fire obsession phase.
  3. Um... just out of curiosity, how does one get out of the fire-obsession phase? Not that I need to know... ;) Also, lovely picture there, though I didn't realizes shoes and fire had so a close connection.
  4. d415WvBV1.jpg
  5. God damn I got ninja'd in an after school club today xD

    Me and GoldenEagle1350 at the back :3
    We're only at the back since all the girls at the front are yr11s and me and Katie are yr10s :s
  6. mjghjgje.jpg haha it's been a while since I posted one :D
    that was like last week :)

  7. Took this 2 days ago before going out to dinner. Im not really proud of my shape or figure either >.>
  8. I once tried pulling off that haircut but i ended up looking like a mop. it looks good on you though.
  9. ^_^ Don't play much minecraft lately, and i cant seem to connect to smp1 when I try :L
  10. D: Nuu
  11. You're joking, right? i am in good shape but my face looks like it was ran over by a dirt bike. you look like you are in good shape and have a face that is fine.
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  12. Okay sooo i always wanted to be a straight forward...honest person ,,, im 15 only tho... i feel like a kindergardener... hre it is

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    mba2012 and Olaf_C like this.
  13. From my little trip to the mountain of magicalness otherwise known as six flags
    kat.jpg kat 2.jpg

    the end
  14. You look a little... Yellow?
    battmeghs likes this.
  15. Here is me, sleeping in a sofa, in a rare pose, in a friend's house.
  16. I'm watching tv :)
    607 and AliceF3 like this.
  17. reminded after 3 months to post a picture up xD
    LoyalKoala and sonicol1 like this.
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