Odd Momentus encounter

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Hoops_McCann, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. I did kill him. what I meant was most of the damage was done by him suffocating in a bridge, I got the last hits after I got it out.
  2. I killed one this morning after it sucked me into a 2 block deep hole and it tired to jump on me but didn't cause any damage. I didn't have any armor or weapons and beat it to death with my fist. After this it dropped a couple dragon frags and a head but I did not get any tokens. I thought it was wierd also as I killed 2 yesterday and got tokens with both. All with settings at 5.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. Good suggestion, but when this happened to me both my friend and me were in a group and both on difficulty 5. The second time I encountered Momentus that day (smp2 waste) I wasn't in a group and did get tokens. So right now I wonder if the group part could be causing it.

    Ha, even more reason to head into the wastelands later on :D
  4. Recently Killed:
    2 Giants
    4 Marlix's
    Heads, Shiny Flesh, Z-Virus, Fragments, Shiny Arrows, Marlix armor.
    I was grouped with a buddy of mine in both fights with Giants and once with the Marlix (beacon buffs included) and didn't receive any issues with the loot nor the Giant himself. And even so, by myself versus the Marlix
    (beacon not included) I only had one incident where it's bat flew into a tree inflicting damage from suffocation so I wasn't able to land the killing blow and achieve loots. As for the other kills the rewards came about like normally.

    *All fights were accomplished in level difficulty #5 for both my partner and I.

    Not sure what caused some of your unexplained losses or glitches, but like WayneKramer advised - Be sure that everyone involved has their player difficulty on the same level!
  5. O.K., guys. Momentus has just spawned once again right now outside my castle. Anybody want to help me take him down this time? I would like a witness in case he acts strangely again. It is a 20 minute nether rail trip from the nearest frontier portal.

    Message me in game on SMP9 in you're interested.
  6. No takers so I did it myself. Again, faster than normal attacks by Momentus and definitely a higher pitched voice. My wife and daughter observed and confirmed that it sounded odd for them as well. They have seen me fight him before. This has now happened more than once so it's definitely not a one off thing.

    I planned accordingly so only one death this time. One zombie head, five shiny flesh, and oddly enough 9 diamonds were dropped. I never have seen those before. Still no Momentus's Toothpick.
  7. I wasn't trying to make it seem as if I was calling what you stated as being false and I am sorry for your frustration. Just now so your post, and I'm very sorry nobody came to your aid - woulda been happy to assist you.

    Why not make a report about it and ask any of our fellow staff if you haven't done so already!? I don't know what else to tell ya, sounds like a bug to me.
  8. Has anyone had problems with Marlix de-spawning??? So far I encountered 2 Marlix's and both times they flew away and de-spawned. I dont know why or how they de-spawned (I scouted the surrounded loaded chunks which they could have gone to and there was no sight of them) but I would like to know if it is supposed to happen or a bug that I encountered twice.
    Edit: The marlix's flew out of the loaded chunks over the ocean, past my render distance which is why I couldn't find them. I think there is like 5 or 6 of them out there currently.
  9. I just killed two momentuses today. Funny because I didn't get the tokens for the first one, even tho I was on difficulty 5 both times.
  10. In my latest encounter with the big guy last night I noticed another never before seen behavior.

    Whereas before Momentus always used to float on the surface of water exactly like his smaller, enraged companions, he now progressively sunk lower and lower in the ocean during the course of our battle and eventually got himself stuck in the layer of gravel at the bottom. He even started taking damage from being submerged but fortunately I had already wounded him enough that I was able to take him out quickly before losing too many tokens as a result of non-player inflicted injury.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  11. So while I was headed to my base, I passed by a Momentus. I thought "Whatever, I'll fight him later." On my way back, another Momentus spawned. Then after killing both of them, a third one spawned. Of course I killed him. =P

    I fought them all in the same area (about a 200 x 200 area), BTW.
  12. I don't know if it's an exaggeration but it's been proven time and time again that he just lies... a lot.

    All of my encounters so far have been normal with both momentus and marlix. The only time I have not received tokens was when I was unwittingly on difficulty 1, which I use when I'm building and don't feel like dying or fighting to not die. There was another thread showing that those that have spawned and been around for a while and taken damage from non-player sources. We found a momentus with no helmet and in the thread I was talking about the person found 4 marlix without a helmet. he received drops for 2 of them. I received drops for the momentus with no helmet.

    So it could be either: non player damage or difficulty level. Of course there was an update recently and those are notorious for bringing about bugs. Which it pretty much sounds like considering the "odd" speed behavior.
    Hoops_McCann likes this.
  13. I have literally never changed my difficulty level from 5 so that's definitely not a factor in what I've seen.

    This isn't really a big deal for me. I still get drops and tokens and can adjust to alterations in movement patterns. I just thought I might be on to some kind of mini boss specific glitch ever since changes were made to Momentus's appearance, spawn rate, and behavior in the site tutorial.

    I also like reading about other player's similar experiences.
  14. I also had a similar encounter as this one, with the Momentus sinking to the bottom of the ocean. 2 of the Momentus I fought were in the water, and both were after the update. One of them floated in the water while the other sank. I dont think any of mine took non-player damage though.
  15. A lot of the minibosses fights i have seen on smp7 the miniboss randomly takes a ton of non player damage. My marlix was flying over the ocean and out of no where just took 10 damage for no visible reason :( I didn't get anything and if you haven't fought a marlix over water... its a pain in the butt.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  16. I had something similar happen to me, maybe a couple hours ago where a Marlix spawned - My buddy and I killed it rather quickly - and we got a message explaining it had taken more non-player inflicted damage than we had dealt. I still have quite a wonder about how in the world it was able to get so much damage in just a matter of seconds that we didn't even cause. It's not like it was flying into cliffs and whatnot. . . I can't explain it. :(

    Yeah Marlix over water = Swim away, don't think just swim!