(Not) Sleeping

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by 607, Jan 4, 2017.


Do you frequently have trouble getting asleep at night?

Yes. 34 vote(s) 70.8%
No. 14 vote(s) 29.2%
  1. I experienced this a few months ago. What I'd do is go over what I'm worried about if u are worried. I fell bad for u because u can't sleep. Also try looking up I can't sleep, it helps. Hope u can sleep better the next few nights.
    607 likes this.
  2. haven' slept well in months and I understand that is is horrible. Also what happened to you hand ?
    607 likes this.
  3. Not sure, I think my blood vessels hadn't been keeping up with the temperature changes, with it being very cold outside and fairly warm inside.
    I haven't had the issue (at least not that badly) for the past couple weeks, though, fortunately.
  4. My challenge is over, and I'm typing this at 1:24 AM. :D
    nltimv and UltiPig like this.
  5. Well done. lol. (both sarcastic and serious :p)
    607, nltimv and UltiPig like this.
  6. I got the best sleep in a while last night. I fell asleep at around 23:00 (the second time this year that I've fallen asleep before midnight) and got up at 6:36. I'm planning to go to sleep at 23:00 and get up at 8:00 everyday now.
    607 likes this.
  7. I slept an actual healthy amount this week. I still had massive eye bags, I still had teachers asking me 'what time did you sleep last night?' and one even said that if I was 'ever truly awake' my work would be so much better, I still nearly passed out in lesson multiple times a day, it still felt like a fight to stay awake half the time, aaaand I napped when I got home - which I've never actually done consistently before. I even did 12 hours one day.

    I'm usually bad with lethargy, and especially during winter, but it's never been this bad. I hope when summer comes this year my energy increase is the same as my fatigue increase - I'll be bouncing off walls and actually doing stuff.
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  8. I suppose a reflection of some sorts could be nice.

    To be honest... I haven't really noticed a difference in my ability to sleep. It might've been slightly better overall, but that could very well be due to other circumstances, and I still have tough night sometimes.
    However, I have actually still been putting my electronics away early lately, even after my 'challenge' ended. Because I actually quite enjoy it.
    If I've still got my iPad, I'll be using the internet. But I do that a whole lot every day anyway.
    Now, in the last hour or so before I go to bed, I've got time for other things, like reading, or even playing a (non-video) game. Which is nice. :)
    Pab10S and nltimv like this.
  9. Sleep is so important! Ask your doctor....You need sleep. Computer before bed is going to mess things up. Studies are clear on this. Computer or tv screens of any kind will contribute to this. I would recommend both sunshine and outside time. Exercise, fresh air, good eating can all contribute. A one month challenge is great, but a life change is good too. I'm glad to hear that you are keeping it up. I would recommend using a little bit of melatonin if you are still finding that is isn't enough. With the screen time that you are still doing during the day, this can help.

    Best of luck and I hope you find the sandman soon...
    nltimv and 607 like this.
  10. I've been more restless at night again, and sleeping more poorly.
    I'll try not using the iPad as late again, it might help me get to rest. Also, it turns out Night Shift isn't available on 32-bit iOS devices, so I'm strongly considering a jailbreak.
    nltimv likes this.
  11. Night shift works globally without any problems if iOS is up to date. I hope you can start sleeping well soon. In the past week or so, I have been able to fall asleep much faster than before, and I have also been able to get up at the time my alarm goes off and feel fully refreshed. I'm going back to sleep right now. :p

    EDIT: up to date devices
    607 likes this.
  12. Nope, it does not.